
Kilmun Community Council

Meeting Tuesday 11 th June 2024
Younger Hall, Kilmun @ 7.30pm.


Note: This meeting will be recorded for the minutes

Note: Additional items should be communicated to the secretary before the meeting


1. Apologies.
2. Introduction, Scene Setting & Context of Meeting
3. Code of Conduct

4. Giants Burn Windfarm
a. Environmental & Wildlife
b. Local Economy & Tourism
c. Living & Working in the Affected Area
d. Health & Wellbeing
e. Any other comments
f. Feedback on Previous StatKraft Presentations

5. Community vote on holding a further StatKraft Q&A Session
6. Community Council Vote to Support or Object to Giant’s Burn Windfarm
7. Next Steps
8. Meeting Close & Thanks

Next meeting: Tuesday, 13th August 2024 Blairmore Hall @7.30pm
Meetings held Second Tuesday each month alternating between Younger & Blairmore Halls.
Kilmun Hall – January, March, May, July (Recess) September, November
Blairmore Hall – February, April, June, August, October, December

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