


8th August 2017 held at Blairmore Hall, Blairmore




Brian Tester (Convenor), Russell Humphreys (Treasurer) Graham Revill, Lachlan Macquarie, Diane Nicholson. Andy Mullen, Fraser Smith and Kirsty Husband,

Also Present. Agnes Harvey (Blairmore Village Trust), Councillor A Reid, David McKenzie (Loch Lomond National Park), PC Andy Beaty

APOLOGIES: Janet Holm (Secretary), Councillor Y McNeilly, Councillor G Blair, PC Donald MacKay




Proposed:        Lachlan Macquarie

Seconded:       Russell Humphreys                 Carried


David McKenzie had offered apologies at the last meeting and this was noted.


Carried Forward:  £951.21

Balance at 8th August 2017 – £1434.11

The annual grant of £ 482.90 had been received from Argyll and Bute Council.

6.         POLICE REPORT

PC Andy Beaty reported:

There have been 18 incidents, of a mixed nature. Half being traffic offences. There has been a press release regarding vandalism. One such incident in the area involved damage to the engine of a sailing vessel in Strone. PC Beatty also said that there were extra patrols being carried out in the area, as there had also been incidents in the Ardentinny area. He confirmed that Operation Ironworks was still in operation. There has also been a press release announcing a Mental Health campaign.

The question regarding speeding in the Rashfield area was brought up by George McEwan, who has over 200 signatures on a petition asking for further speed limits on that stretch. GM will meet PC Beatty at Dunoon Police Station to further this. The Police are conducting more speeding and drinking while driving checks throughout the County at this time.

Argyll has two portable speed devices, which indicate to the motorist that they are speeding. Councillor Reid is going to enquire as to their whereabouts.

The issue of parking in Kilmun was raised, as there are several bends on which cars are parked, thus obscuring the line of sight.


Liaison/communication with other local organisations / groups

Feedback has been received from all groups – a very positive response.

Ardentinny and Kilmun Community Council are planning a collaborative shore meeting on the 31st August for 2 representatives of the 18 groups in our local area.

Flower tubs etc. – funding A&BC Funding

Copy of KCC’s application to A&BC Sustainable Community Initiatives fund in collaboration with the Shore Sweepers was forwarded to all local councillors. Receipt of applications has been acknowledged. Will hear in September if application is successful.

Defibrillator from Strone Primary - possible funding from SCEN –first responders

The Younger Hall has agreed to the re-siting of a defibrillator.

The application for a new defibrillator has been submitted.

BT said that he has had problems making further contact with the Scottish Ambulance service re first responders, and a survey of need has to be carried out. He has also had problems with the authorities dealing with replacement parts for the old defibrillator, sited at Strone School.

Grass Cutting Graham’s Point

The situation remains the same, with ACHA still cutting the grass at Grahams Point.

 8       Correspondence

  • Cowal Cycling Initiative - To discuss the possibility of a Cycling Initiative, a meeting room has been arranged at The Wooden Pier in Dunoon, on the 21st August, between 10 am and 12 pm. Mind map included.
  1. The possibility of mapping what is currently in place in Cowal e.g. Recreation Routes, The National Cycle Route, Safer Routes, and Mountain Bike Routes etc.
  2. The feasibility of creating a legal vehicle of implementation, through the community e.g. Community Trust.
  3. The feasibility of implementing a plan, and have plans placed within the Local Area Plan as a cycling initiative, that can be split between the local community and statutory bodies.
  • Email passed on from Ardentinny Community Council - The Cruach Mhor wind farm has been published on the Scottish Government Register of Community Benefits from Renewables. “We understand your community is a recipient of community benefit funds from this development and you are therefore encouraged to visit the Register“ KCC area does not receive funding from this windfarm
  • National Park Grant Scheme - now open - Submit your Expression of Interest - By Friday 8th September 2017


The following planning applications have been submitted to LLTNP

  • 2017/0122/DET - Variation of the lower section of pipe route and outfall associated with a run of river hydro scheme (retrospective) (reference: 2015/0366/DET) Land At Drynain Burn Ardentinny Dunoon Application
  • 2017/0145/DET- Sub-division of existing curtilage and erection of detached house and detached garage (renewal of 2014/0057/DET) -North-West Of Mossgiel Shore Road Blairmore Application (previously reported)
  • 2017/0196/NOT -Formation of ATV track- Land West Of Garrachra Glen Massan Dunoon Application
  • 2017/0133/DET - Erection of replacement dwelling house Rashfield Bungalow Rashfield Dunoon - Approved


Councillor A Reid reported back on matters raised at the last meeting:

Proposed Speed Restriction, Sandhaven to Cot House.

“The proposal for extending the Sandbank 40mph speed restriction all the way out to the Cothouse 40mph speed restriction has already been out to Consultations 1 & 2. Two responses were received; support from Argyll and Bute Council’s Public Transport Officer and Police Scotland. Given the comments made by Police Scotland a speed/volume survey will be required for their consideration which may/may not enable them to support the proposal.

“Once a speed/volume survey has been carried out meeting will be held with Police Scotland to discuss the results.

“Argyll and Bute Council Councillors recently approved Development and Infrastructure Services’ “Road Speed Limit Policy Framework “ which provides guidance for selection, prioritisation and approval of speed limits. These are the criteria employed when reviewing such proposals.”

A815 opposite the Wee Butcher’s.

“This may have also had Japanese knotweed within it so it would not have been touched. We will arrange for this section to be re-inspected before Friday 28th July. Should no Japanese knotweed be found then we will cut it back as per the rest of the roadside verge during the pre-Cowal games cut on the A815.”

A815 at Puck’s Glen.

“We carried out a scrub cutting exercise during April between the Pucks Glen car park and opposite Rashfield farm along the East verge of the A815 and the scrub was cut back to the rear of the roadside ditch. The Forestry commission also cleared the scrub from the bellmouth to the car park entrance during March. This reinstated the sightlines, however I will arrange for the location to be inspected and will have the sightlines reassessed.”


“There are no plans for a bituminous surface to the section of footway between Kilmun court and the surgery this year as no budget has been identified for this but should efficiencies be made elsewhere within the capital footway reconstruction budget then we may revisit this situation.

“As for the carriageway of the A880, this is due to be surface dressed with a double surface dressing and we now have a start date of 25th July, weather dependant, for this works. The road markings will also be reinstated as part of these works and this will happen once the final sweep has been carried out to remove the last of the loose chips. This includes a rumble strip to delineate carriageway and walking strip between Kilmun Arboretum and Craigend Cottage.”

Pavement on the A815 between Invereck and Cot House

“There are no plans to resurface this section of footway as there is no budget available in 2017-18. However if there is further capital footway reconstruction funding for 2018-19 then this scheme will be put forward for consideration as I estimate that it would take approximately £65k to £70k to reconstruct as most of the kerb line would need to be re-laid as well.

“We will continue to monitor the footway in its current condition and will attend to any future safety defects.”

Collegiate building at Kilmun Church

“In order for Amenity service to address you enquiry we require site location of the area mentioned within your enquiry. Are you able to supply this if not can we arrange to meet on site to establish location.”

I asked Amenity Services if they could get in touch with Brian over this.

Chemical toilet at Kilmun Church

Awaiting response. No news as yet.

The meeting put the following points to Councillor Reid to take up.

  1. There is general dissatisfaction at the state of the A880, after the recent roadworks. The surface is very uneven, with some areas not covered at all by chippings. There are pools of water all along the surface after rain, and this would be dangerous in winter after a frost.
  2. The drains are filled with chippings and need to be cleaned.
  3. The bend opposite the ‘Tea Cady’ Houses is overgrown, and has not been cut back by the council. It is yet another hazard on the road.
  4. The cemetery grass needs to be cut especially the area around the Elizabeth Blackwell grave.

D McKenzie (National Park) 

National Park

DM congratulated the Convenor on presenting KCCs case to the Park representatives on the 16th August. The main focus was that the Cowal was underrepresented in the Partnership Plan. DM said that the Park traditionally concentrated more on the other areas, as they were the main focus of visitors and tourists.

The new Community Action Plan is coming up and DM encouraged everyone to read it and to submit proposals via the Benmore and Kilmun Development Trust, who are taking the lead in this area.

DM also said that part of his time had been taken up with chairing the Cowal Fixed link committee. He had been meeting with National and European officials and an Economic Impact Study will be undertaken.

The issue of the increase in camping and RVs on Ardentinny beach and at Jubilee Point was raised. DM agreed that this was probably due to a more restrictive policy introduced in the main tourist centres of the park, re wild camping, and the campers were overflowing to the sites on the edge of the Park. DM said that there were regular check-ups on the site, though the number of personnel doing this was restricted.

There had also been an incident of anti-social behaviour in the grounds of the church, which could be linked.

Benmore & Kilmun Community Development Trust

Victor Sandell reporting on behalf of the trust said that there was to be an Enterprise meeting on September 4th. There is also to be as survey on Public Access Areas.

The action plan would be discussed after September 18th.

BKCDT welcomed the placing of ‘Doggie Friendly Station’ at Grahams Point, and that the area had won an award. (It's your neighbourhood Beautiful Scotland' level 4)

Interviews will shortly be held for the following posts:

Development Officer for Historic Kilmun and a Project Worker for the Cowal Shore Trail.

VS also made mention of the Retrofit of Small Scale Hydro Schemes in Argyll and Bute study with particular reference to Loch Eck.

Blairmore Village Trust

Agnes Harvey said that Beautiful Scotland had visited Blairmore on Friday August 4th and the visit had gone very well. The result of the assessment will not be known until early September. 156 people have been involved since March, donating 2714 volunteer hours. AH thanked the National Park for donating tools, volunteer hours and for the introductions that they had made. In particular, four young people from Dunoon Grammar School, working towards John Muir Conservation Awards had joined the group, and would be possibly be speaking at the Scotland Beautiful conference.

An application for a grant to open Hamilton’s Brae later this year has been submitted, and talks are taking place with the National Park, AB&C, regarding upgrading the High Road. This area has been included in the Rural Watch scheme, and new speed limit poster has been put up.

BT congratulated BVT on a recent award, which had been announced in the local paper. (It's your neighbourhood Beautiful Scotland')

11.       Matters arising out of Community Action Plan

None, waiting new plan 2017


Argyll Community Planning Group (ACPG)

Nothing to report

Caucus of Community Councils

Nothing further to report


There was a long discussion regarding the windfarm proposed for Ardtaraig Farm. It was hoped that a representative from Infinergy would be at the meeting, but they cancelled for a second time. GR has offered dates for the next three meetings. There has been no planning application as yet. Given the opposition from AB&C, Scottish Heritage and RSPB, the question was raised as to whether they would go ahead with an application. It was said however that given the size of the project, it could allow them to bypass AB&C. BT thanked Clive McClure for his input, based on previous successful experience of opposing a wind farm development. GR said that nothing could happen until an application has been submitted

A880 Walkway, Pavement Invereck to Cot House

Covered in Councillor Reid’s comments.

Cemetery Toilets

Nothing to report

Struan Lodge

Indications are that Struan Lodge is now ‘safe’, given that private homes could not cope with the number of residents that would have to be moved.

Highgate Hall

No further progress to report

BT Broadband

Fraser has been in discussion with Diane re the situation at Clachaig, and they will give a further report at the next meeting.

Possible Brunch at Kilmun Hall

Sue Minns to outline a plan for a brunch to raise funds to be held at Younger Hall.

13.       Archived issues

No discussion

14.       Any other competent business

None. Meeting ended at 9.12 pm.

Place: Younger Hall, Kilmun

Date: Tuesday September 12th at 7.30pm.

Meetings held Second Tuesday each month alternating between Younger & Blairmore Halls.




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