



11th July 2017 held at Younger Hall, Kilmun



Brian Tester (Convenor), Russell Humphreys (Treasurer) Janet Holm (Secretary), Graham Revill,

Lachlan Macquarie and Diane Nicholson.

Also Present, Councillor A Reid.

APOLOGIES: Andy Mullen, Fraser Smith, Kirsty Husband, Councillor Y McNeilly, Councillor G Blair,

and PC Donald MacKay.



Proposed: Diane Nicholson

Seconded: Russell Humphreys Carried




Carried Forward: £1014.00

Stamps £16.18

Gardening £16.13

Balance at 11th July 2017 – £951.21


PC Donald MacKay not present at meeting.

B Tester informed meeting that George McEwan’s concerns about the A815 and Rashfield had been passed onto PC Donald MacKay and he had responded.

George requested that he would like the be able to have a police representative at the KCC meeting in August so that he could raise his concerns about the safety of this road and to be assured that the police were aware of residents concerns.

8 Correspondence

No significant correspondence this month


The following planning applications have been submitted to LLTNP

 2016/0383/DET - Change of use to site 3 Chalet style caravans for holiday letting purposes together with associated infrastructure including access, drainage, landscaping and hard standings (plinths) Land at Loch Eck (west of Whistlefield Inn) APPROVED

 2016/0400/DET - Erection of 25 metre high telecommunications lattice tower and associated ground based equipment enclosure, Land North Of Loch Eck Treatment Works West Loch

Eck Road Loch Eck WITHDRAWN

 2017/0101/HAE - Erection of extension, with associated roof decking and balcony and separate garage Inverchapel Cottage Loch Eck Dunoon APPROVED

 2017/0194/DET-Erection of telecoms mast and ancillary equipment Scottish Water

Compound Loch Eck Strath Eachaig - APPLICATION

 2017/0196/NOT -Formation of ATV track, Land West Of Garrachra Glen Massan Dunoon


 2017/0212/DET Construction of new pipework (associated with new below ground septic tank) including concrete casing on seaward side of sea wall - Land Opposite Dunselma

Lodge Shore Road Strone APPLICATION. Brian Tester to contact Scottish Water to

check whether there are plans to disrupt traffic on the A880 at this section

7. Community Matters

Liaison/communication with other local organisations / groups

Have received replies from most of the groups – only 4 have not responded as yet.

Ardentinny and Kilmun Community Council have plan to have a collaborative shore meeting on the 31st

August for 2 representatives of the 18 groups in our local area.

Flower tubs etc. – funding A&BC Funding

Applied to A&BC Sustainable Community Initiatives fund in collaboration with the Shore Sweepers for funding. Will hear in September if application is successful. Request to send a copy of application to Councillor Reid and Blair. Councillor McNeilly already has been copied. J.Holm

Defibrillator from Strone Primary - possible funding from SCEN –first responders

B. Tester has investigated this. At present the defibrillator to remain at the school but £250 approx. is need to get it up running properly e.g. new battery (£150) and pads (£45 each). We need to fundraise to get this done but KCC will cover the cost of these replacements until this can be done so that we have a working defibrillator in our area. George McEwan also suggested that there could be a possibility of funding from the Augusta Lamont Bequest Fund. G McEwan will find out about this.

There was discussion about the location of the defibrillator and KCC agreed to find out from the Younger Hall committee whether it could be located in the porch at the Younger Hall as it was thought that was a more central area. Russell Humphries to consult Younger Hall committee

BT said that the Scottish Ambulance Service would do training for First responders. A four-week course. G Revill and C Humphries expressed an interest. The first stage is an assessment by the

Ambulance service to see if the Shore Area would need first response provision. B. Tester to contact SAS to see if they can start the assessment of the Shore Area.

Grass Cutting Graham’s Point

FOI request reply was sent to Robert Aldam. A&BC stated that they did not have the information at present about the area of grass cut in Cowal that does not belong to A&BC and that it will take a year to gather this information. Councillor A Reid asked for a copy of the email sent to RA to be passed to him who will register an interest in being kept informed on progress. B Tester


Councillor A Reid summarised an update of points raised in KCC’s last meeting.

rhododendrons have been cut back near the accident area on the A815. George McEwan said that more rhododendrons need to be cut back at the Pucks Glen entrance/exit.

The speed limit reduction from Sandbank to the Cothouse is being processed. Councillor A Reid to see what stage the plan is at.

Japanese knotweed – this will be dealt with in the autumn. BM said that there is an area near the Wee Butcher that needs to be cut.

Councillor A Reid was told that the white lines at the edge of the road near the doctor’s surgery had not been restored after some resurfacing work had been done. BM thought that the A880 is to have a new surface dressing and that the lines will be done after that is done.

D McKenzie (National Park)

National Park

Concern was raised that D McKenzie as our National Park representative was not reporting back to KCC.

Brian Tester sent feedback to the National Park about their consultation on and he has received an acknowledgement back.

KCC are planning to have a meeting with a representative of The National Park to discuss the recent consultation document, which made very little mention of Cowal.

Benmore & Kilmun Community Development Trust

No representative present and no report.

Blairmore Village Trust

No report.

11. Matters arising out of Community Action Plan



Argyll Community Planning Group (ACPG)


Caucus of Community Councils

B. Tester and J Holm attended the Cowal Community Council Caucus meeting on 6th July in Dunoon.

 A vice chair has now been appointed to the Caucus which hopefully mean more meetings are held.

 Discussion ranged around Think Dunoon and regeneration in Dunoon Town Centre.

 Struan Lodge – because of lack of provision of elderly care in Cowal it appears that `Struan Lodge is saved and may possible be extended.

 Link Club – The difficulties of keeping this provision viable.

Windfarms - Visit for Infinergy planned for next KCC meeting in August. G Holm still not had a report back from Nigel Scriven.

A880 Walkway & Safety Barrier, Pavement Invereck to Cot House

Councillor A Reid will find out when the A880 stone walkway is to be tarred. Councillor A Reid

The high tree line past the pier hotel is to be cut by A&BC.

Cemetery Toilets

2 Councillor A Reid will find out when the chemical toilet at Kilmun Church is to be installed. Councillor A Reid

Struan Lodge

Already discussed - see caucus section.

Highgate Hall

No further forward at present.

BT Broadband

Email sent from Fraser Smith to Clachaig with suggestions.

13. Archived issues

None raised.

14. Any other competent business

Brunch at Kilmun Hall – could be a possible fundraiser. S Minns not at meeting to discuss.

Session meeting of Shore Churches. – G McEwan said that at a recent fire inspection at Kilmun Church that the fire hydrant had been tarred over. This is to be rectified. He also said that there was a section of grass at the rear, which was never cut by A&BC. Shore Sweepers will get this done.

B. Marshall gave KCC 2 silver cups, which had been used in the past as prizes for horticulture. KCC will decide what they could be used for.


Place: Blairmore Hall, Blairmore

Date: Tuesday August 8th at 7.30pm.

Meetings held Second Tuesday each month alternating between Younger & Blairmore Halls.


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