
May 9th 2017

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9th May  2017 held at Younger Hall, Kilmun 7.30PM.


Brian Tester (Convenor), Russell Humphreys (Treasurer) Janet Holm (Secretary), Graham Revill, Kirsty Husband, Fraser Smith, Andy Mullen and Diane Nicholson.

Also Present, Councillor Y McNeilly, Councillor A Reid (Argyll and Bute Council) and PC Donald MacKay.

APOLOGIES: Lachlan Macquarie, David McKenzie (NP) and Councillor G Blair



Proposed:        Kirsty Husband

Seconded:       Russell Humphreys                Carried




Carried Forward:         £1100.26

Balance at 9th May 2017 – £1100.26

6.         POLICE REPORT

KCC welcomed back PC Donald MacKay who is on a phased return to work after a serious illness.  Donald congratulated the new committee and wished them well. He reported that there had been 16 incidents and 1 historical crime. He said that security had been heightened in the area because of recent terrorist attacks in England. There is extra security at Ardintinny across from Coulport and the Ministry of Defence are funding this. Donald said that he has responsibility for security issues in our area and keeping in touch with local issues and that Rural Watch is to be relaunched.

 8       Correspondence

Acknowledgement to J Holm re application for FOI request to A&BC about grass cutting in A&BC

Email to/from Houston Community Council

Transport Scotland consultation - The consultation seeks views on:

• how we can make parking laws clearer

• what parking restrictions and exemptions should apply

• the best approach for managing parking

• the place for vehicles in today’s town centres, including improved accessibility for all and incorporating new technology.www.transport.gov.scot/consultation/improving-parking-in-scotland-consultation J Holm to look at this survey.


The following planning applications have been approved By LLTNP

2017/0039/PPP - Erection of dwellinghouse - Forestside Kilmun Dunoon  Approved

2017/0043/DET- Erection of conservatory, raised deck and erection of detached garage/store in retrospect. - Hope Cottage Gairletter Cottages Blairmore

2017/0133/DET Erection of replacement dwelling house, Rashfield Bungalow Rashfield

7.         Community Matters

Liaison/communication with other local organisations / groups

There was considerable discussion with the committee, Agnes Harvey (BVT) and residents present about way to improve communication within all the local organisations and groups within our community. This will be on going for KCC.

Houston Community Council, Flower tubs etc. – funding A&BC Funding

J. Holm said that she had emailed Houston Community Council Renfrewshire after she had realised, from speaking to friends who do volunteering work in Houston on improving their local environment, that HCC had more funds available to them that KCC has. HCC gave lots of information about ways to apply for funding. They had applied and were successful in receiving funding from Renfrewshire Council. A&BC had just advertised that local groups could apply for funding and this will be an area that KCC will explore, perhaps in conjunction with other groups.

Defibrillator from Strone Primary - possible funding from SCEN –first responders

Strone Primary had said that they did not need to have the defibrillator at the school anymore and it could be positioned somewhere else in the community. Fraser Smith and Brian Tester are to liaise on this issue

RH and JH looked at the application for funding from SCEN and it could be possible to apply for a generator and possible another defibullator. R. Humphries to look at this and how to possibly set up a list of first responders

Grass Cutting Graham’s Point

This had already been discussed in the AGM. ACHA are continuing to cut the grass at present and there was general agreement that they were doing an excellent job. With the work of the Shore Sweepers Graham’s Point looks the best it has done in years.

Reports to A&BC

Report put in re missing bin at the Strone Pier and Plastic container with a possible hazardous substance.  Very quick response from A&BC fly tipping Dept. and container was quickly removed. Still no sign of the replacement bin.

Complaint received about overhanging bushes on the road to Westfield, which is narrowing the road carriageway. JH to report

Question from Blairmore resident that there were not enough bins on the Blairmore High Road to take the volume of waste now the collections are every 3 weeks. There was general discussion on waste recycling etc. The flats at Finnartmore were given 2 extra bins. Suggestion to resident(s) they apply for another bin.



Councillor McNeilly and Councillor Reid who had been welcomed in the AGM part of the meeting were involved in all discussion. They will, along with Councillor Blair who had to attend another meeting put together a rota to enable them to represent A&BC at the 10 community Councils in their area.

D McKenzie (National Park) 

National Park

David not present at meeting - no report.

Benmore & Kilmun Community Development Trust


Blairmore Village Trust

Agnes Harvey (BVT) told the committee how the Trust were wanting to collaborate with Blairmore Hall Trust in the Beautiful Scotland Campaign and in the long term developments that would affect both organisations e.g. land developments and hall upgrade. Agnes said that, with the purchase of the land around the hall BVT, there is a requirement to engage the community in determining its use. BVT have produced a paper to support a presentation to Blairmore Hall Trust meeting in April. Agnes to email J Holm to inform KCC of developments

11.       Matters arising out of Community Action Plan 2013 – 2017



Argyll Community Planning Group (ACPG)


Caucus of Community Councils


Bruce Marshall says that he initiated the Caucus 12 years ago and that it is worth having.


Proposed Artaraig windfarm at the head of Loch Striven. Graham has spoken to Lynne O’Keefe and she had given him a lot of background information, which was very helpful. The application for this development is proposed to be submitted in the autumn. Before that there will be open days. Request was made for Fiona Milligan to attend a KCC meeting. It was agreed to organise this for the June or July committee meeting, GR to consult with Gordon Holm re birds in the area and GH will raise the issue at the next meeting of the Argyll Bird Club in May.

A880 Walkway & Safety Barrier, Pavement Invereck to Cot House

The A880 walkway will be tarred in the next financial year.

Cemetery Toilets

This was discussed in AGM report.

Dunoon Hospital Struan Lodge

Report due on 31st May.

Kilmory Seminar

Discussed in AGM report

Highgate Hall

Lachie Macquarie and Brian Tester will have a meeting on the 18th May with the Highgate trustee committee who wish to sell Highgate Hall. However, this is a complicated because the hall is kept in trust for all the communities on the Shore.

BT Broadband

L Mcquarie has emailed BT, Discussion about the current work on the A880, which is thought to be done to replace BT cabling to copper. The contractor is using the car park at the play area at Graham’s Point to store materials etc. There was a question about whether they have permission to do this.

13.       Archived issues

None raised

14.       Any other competent business

Distribution of agendas – it was agreed that the monthly KCC agendas would be put on the notice boards as follows’

Strone Post Office – Janet Holm

Blairmore Hall, and Kilmun Hall - Russell Humphries

Doctors Surgery – Kirsty Husband

Clachaig – Diane or Graham



Place: Blairmore Hall, Blairmore

Date: Tuesday June 13th at 7.30pm.

Meetings held Second Tuesday each month alternating between Younger & Blairmore Halls.

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