Minutes Jan 2018
9th January 2018 held at Younger Hall, Kilmun 7.30PM.
Janet Holm (Secretary), Diane Nicholson Fraser Smith, Kirsty Husband, Lachlan Macquarie, Graham Revill and Andy Mullen.
Also Present, Councillor A Reid, Victor Sandell (BKCDT) and PC Donald MacKay
APOLOGIES: Brian Tester (Convenor), Russell Humphreys (Treasurer), D Mackenzie (LATNP), Councillor Y McNeilly and Councillor G. Blair.
Proposed: Andy Mullen
Seconded: Andrew Paterson Carried
Carried over
General fund 1411.01
Gardening Fund 838.13
Total 2249.14
New income
SEE Grant for New Fefib/swithc 5040
Rollover Xmas Lunch 200
For Riverside fund 350
Interest 0.3
Current Balance 7839.44
PC Donald MacKay reported that there had been 18 incidents with 2 crime reports. One involved vandalism at Stone Place. Residents asked to keep a watchful eye in this area. The other had been an attempted break-in At Cothouse Caravan Park.
Donald said that social media – through Rural Watch - had been used a couple of times to highlight road closures in the area during the holiday period.
Donald said that Dunoon had its quietest holiday period in 12 years.
7 Correspondence
· Local Events
· Burns Lunch – Younger Hall - Monday January 22rd 2018 (12 for 12.30)- Tickets: £15.00 (including a glass of wine) plus Raffle
· Life on a Tall ship by Captain Barbara Campbell – Sunday 28th January @ 2pm @ Blairmore Hall. Entry £3.00 –Teas, coffee, home baking and raffle
· Email list of the dates of the clay pigeon shooting @ Orchard Farm – will also be added to the collaborative calendar
· Dunoon Alliance for Action - First meeting of 2018 is on Wednesday 10th of January at 6.00 pm in the Burgh hall.
· Data protection renewal – discussion about whether this needed to be done. It was agreed it was necessary so renewal will be applied for.
· Benmore and Kilmun Community Development Trust and Ergadia Museums & Heritage are having a series of community engagement events regarding the potential development of a new shore heritage trail in Cowal. The first event will be taking place next Saturday 13th Jan @ Ardentinny Village Hall from 2pm - 5pm. We will have a series of creative and fun activities as we work together to visualise a new trail and the positive outcomes it could bring to the area.
8 Planning Applications
· The following planning applications have been submitted to LLTNP
Change of use of land to site 8 no. Static caravans and associated infrastructure. Land To The South-east Of The Whistlefield Inn Loch Eck PA23 8SG - Withdrawn
Alteration to rear window to form a single French door (Retrospective) Flat 2 Craigard Shore Road - Approved
Alterations to Listed Building including access and entrance ramp (retrospective) The Ardentinny Ardentinny Dunoon - Listed Building
Erection of agricultural building Eckford House Benmore Dunoon - Prior approval is required
9. Community Matters
Liaison/communication with other local organisations / groups
Excellent progress has been made on the Cowal Communities Collaborative Calendar. There is a link to the calendar on the Kilmun and Ardentinny website. The calendar can be used on smart phones by downloading the Google calendar app and choosing the Cowal Communities Collaboration Calendar.
The link to the calendar is which can be copied and bookmarked on your own computer.
Festive Lunch
· An extremely successful collaborative event led by KCC and ACC. After expenses were paid an extra £350 was raised and it was decided that it should go to the Riverbank Equipment Fund. They are delighted and we will hand over the funds to them with some local publicity,
· Flower tubs etc. – funding A&BC Funding
· Not much work done because of the Christmas Holidays
Defibrillator at Younger Hall Kilmun
BT messaged to say that defib training would be on the 6th 7th or 8th of February. As Brian was not at the meeting he will email the people who had express an interest in training. (The date decided for the training is Tuesday 6th February @ Kilmun Hall.)
Blairmore Hall Consultation
Grass Cutting Graham’s Point
Alan Reid wrote to ACHA in September but to date he hasn’t had a response back. Bruce Marshall thinks that in his opinion that they will not continue to cut the grass.
Bird Hide at Kilmun
Community matters
G Holm brought information about the Kilmun bird hide to the attention of the
council. This is below the road near the doctors’ surgery. It is nominally owned by
Peter Staley and he would like the community to take it over in some form or
another. It is a corrugated shed, which was originally a boathouse. It is currently
in poor condition and potentially needs work.
It was agreed that BT, RH, GH and local bird enthusiast , Alastair McGregor. would
look at the hide and see what could be done to make it a community and potential
Tourist ass
G Holm stated that RH, BT and GH along with local birder Alistair McGregor visited the hide. The door has been repaired by A McG and requires the key for entry. The hide will need a lot of work but would prove an asset to the area for local and visitor use. A number of options can be envisaged and need to be reviewed for costs and feasibility. A forward programme has been considered as follows:
· RH to create a Trust where trustees will only have £1 liability;
· Legal transfer of hide from Peter Staley to Trust;
· Proposal for creating /altering Hide and creating access, particularly important to ensure disabled access;
· Finalise proposal and estimate costs;
· Approach organisations to obtain grants;
· Work on rehabilitating hide.
Argyll and Bute Council Representative Councillor Reid reported that there was little to report – not many council working days since the last meeting.
The Scottish Government has published their draft budget. The cuts to Council revenue expenditure, that’s running costs, are less, than had been expected, so there will be less cuts than originally predicted.
However, the opposite is true of capital expenditure, money for investment in new infrastructure. That’s the pot of money I’m trying to get the £15,000 from towards the new chemical toilet. Still working on this.
Also, no reply on the white lines and rumble strips on the A880. Have sent a reminder.
In response to a question from a committee member A Reid said that a half of A&BC toilets could possibly be closed.
D McKenzie (National Park)
National Park
David McKenzie was not present but had emailed to say they was nothing to report because of the holidays.
Benmore & Kilmun Community Development Trust (BKCDT)
Victor reported that there had been not meeting since the last KCC meeting. BKCDT had held a quiz night with the money raised being shared between BKCDT and Historic Kilmun.
Meeting being held in Ardentinny about the proposed development of an historic trail (see correspondence).
Blairmore Village Trust (BVT)
11. Community Action Plan 2018 - 2023
A steering group has been formed to look at developing the Community Action Plan for 2018 – 2023
The group is at present formulating the questions for the household survey, which is to go out shortly.
Three questions are on the survey as follows:
· Name three things you like about living in this area?
· Name three things you would like to change?
· What would make it a better place to live in?
· And a 4th question?
Those present were asked if they had a suggestion for a 4th question. A resident suggested asking what residents would like the National Park to do for them.
Argyll Community Planning Group (ACPG)
Caucus of Community Councils
A880 Walkway & Safety Barrier, Pavement Invereck to Cot House
Councillor Reid has written to A&BC to see if they could put in a bid to Sustrans to improve this section for cycling and walking.
Cemetery Toilets
Was further discussed – See Councillor Reid’s report.
Highgate Hall
Graham Thomson said that the trustees have a program of what can be done with the hall. The trustees want the hall to be used for the wider community. Costs of potential programmes are to be finalised before going out to obtain the views of the community. Lachie has contacted pension groups regarding a potential use for supported community. There is not enough support as “Care–in-the-Community” has resulted in many people able to stay longer in their own homes. This should be put on the Community Action Plan (CAP).
BT Broadband
No Update. Diane said that a new phone mast had been put up for EE on the road to Clachaig by connecting to the fibre cable that goes through Clachaig.
13. Archived issues
· Struan Lodge and Dunoon Hospital added to archive items.
· Clachaig Water – Graham Revill said he had received a letter from the chair of the working group that outlined that there could be some change in approach.
· Sewerage works – Shore Road – this work has over run because the contractors have hit hard rock. LMcQ said that he has been told that a pipe is to be installed to Ferry House so the road will be closed off for a longer length.
14. Any other competent business
· Facebook entry – JH said that she hadn't had time to develop this work but she has been offered help from Dan Romani and Jane from (BVT).
· Fly tipping - Victor said that there has been some fly tipping done along the road to Ardentinny. General discussion on fly tipping.
· There was general discussion around the problems of the Jim Crow rock in Dunoon. Land that the rock stands on is privately owned most probably the Hafton Estates.
Place: Blairmore Hall, Blairmore
Date: Tuesday February13th at 7.30pm.
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