KCC Minutes Sept 2018
Facebook - @shoresweepersandKCC Website - www.kilmuncc.co.uk
11th September 2018 held at Younger Hall, Kilmun 7.30PM.
Brian Tester (Convenor), Russell Humphreys (Treasurer), Andy Mullen.
Also Present, Councillor A Reid, Victor Sandall (BKCDT).
APOLOGIES, Janet Holm (Secretary), Graham Revill, Bob Daracott (National Park) and Councillor Y McNeilly. Diane Nicholson (Vice Convenor), Councillor G. Blair, Graham Revell, Fraser Smith and Lachlan Macquarie.
Proposed: Brian Tester
Seconded: Russell Humphreys Carried
BT brought up the subject of the commemorative beacon, and whether the Shore communities would like to participate. This will be discussed further next month.
BT also asked that the Ardtaraig Wind Farm be put on the agenda for the next meeting.
Brought Forward £6806.93
Expenditure -
Gardening £81.72
Defibrillator £2798.1
Donation for directory
Donation to gardening fund
General fund 1305.24
Gardening 176
Festive Lunch 200.00
SSE grant 2045.87
Directory donations
Overall total 3927.11
There was no report
RH reported that the Directory had cost £963 and £970 had been received to cover the cost. This has not yet appeared on the Bank statement.
7 Correspondence
Email from Agnes Harvey to say that the machinery on the forest high road in Blairmore had been cleared by the Forestry.
Email from Sue Morris (FCS) saying that the felling works in the Kilmun arboretum had finished and the car park and trails were now open.
Community Partnership AGM at 6pm on Thursday 20th September 2018. -BREXIT and Rural Communities - Robert Grieve Suite, National Park HQ in Balloch G83 8EG @ 6PM
The consultation on the Procurement and Commissioning Strategy and Sustainable Procurement Policy. The is available to fill in on the Council website at https://www.argyll-bute.gov.uk/forms/procurement-and-commissioning-strategy-201920. Respondents have four weeks to comment, until the 28th September 2018,
A co-hosted event to be held at the National Park HQ, Balloch G83 8EG on WED 12th September 2.30pm-4.30pm. This event is FREE for Community Development Trusts, Village Hall groups, Community Interest Groups, social enterprises and businesses in and around Loch Lomond and The Trossachs who want to fully understand their responsibilities under the new regime. More information about the event: GDPR and beyond- Understanding your responsibilities.
Invitation to the Scottish Resilient Communities Conference 2018. On 30th October 2018 at 10am (registration from 9.15am) in the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service HQ Building at Westburn Drive. Should you wish to attend a booking request form is attached which you should complete and return to Liz Stewart Elizabeth.Stewart@gov.scot
Iain Anderson CWGC- email ”Just wanted to let you know that we do now have the new memorial that will commemorate the CWGC graves on the sloping area of Kilmun cemetery. I will be engaging a local contractor soon to place this memorial in the cemetery just wanted to mention this in case the community council wanted to mark this in some way.”
Local Events
Ardentinny Community Trust – Harvest Fair – Sunday 16th September 12 – 4pm – Free Entry -
8 Planning Applications
The following planning applications have been submitted to LLTNP
2018/0264/NOT Construction of 900 metres of forestry ATV access track Location Land To North Of Midge Lane And East Of Blairmore And Strone Golf Club Blairbeg Hill Strone - Prior Notification
2018/0209/NOT Construction of extension (675 metres) to forestry road Location Land North West Of Garrachra Glen Massan - Prior Notification
Ref No 2018/0185/HAE Installation of 2 no. air source heat pumps Location Oaklea Shore Road Kilmun Approve
2018/0247/DET Proposal Construction of overnight berth and crew access, and installation of fenders and Bollards Location Kilmun Pier Kilmun Dunoon Detailed Planning – Public interest
2018/0248/LBC Proposal Construction of overnight berth and crew access, and installation of fenders and bollards Location Kilmun Pier Kilmun Dunoon – Listed Building Consent
9. Community Matters
Liaison/communication with other local organisations / groups
The administrators of the Collaborative Calendar are adding the dates of club meeting etc now.
The directory has been printed and will have been delivered to each household in Kilmun and Ardentinny Community Council area.
Festive Lunch
Before deciding a date we will liaise with Strone Primary School for a suitable date for the children to possibly perform at the lunch.
Defibrillator at Younger Hall Kilmun
A new one has been purchased and will replace the old one at the hall.
Gardening / environmental improvements from A&BC Funding
Nothing further to report
Grass Cutting Graham’s Point
This is continuing to be done by ACCHA.
BT stated that we were disappointed that no representative from A&BC were able to attend the meeting
Community matters
G Holm brought information about the Kilmun bird hide to the attention of the
council. This is below the road near the doctors’ surgery. It is nominally owned by
Peter Staley and he would like the community to take it over in some form or
another. It is a corrugated shed, which was originally a boathouse. It is currently
in poor condition and potentially needs work.
It was agreed that BT, RH, GH and local bird enthusiast , Alastair McGregor. would
look at the hide and see what could be done to make it a community and potential
Tourist ass
Bob Daracott (National Park) could not be present at the meeting but has submitted a report as follows:
“The meeting of the National Park's next Board is scheduled for the 17th September. The intention is to devote much of the agenda and the whole of the day looking at the problems relating to litter and all associated issues. A tour to various 'hot spots' is planned. Clearly this has been an ongoing problem for many communities in the Park and the intention is to seek new ideas and better support from our key partners to make improvements. If Kilmun Community Council wish me to raise any specific issues/observations, please contact me.”
Gordon Blair (By email)
Grit still on pavements and gutters
We will have these areas swept over the next few days using the small mechanical sweeper from Bute as the large mechanical sweeper in Dunoon is currently off the road and awaiting repairs.
Alan Reid made the following report
Response from Roads: “I have asked our Roads Inspector to take a look and see if there are any problems for private accesses/driveways which could be depositing debris/gravel etc. onto the footway and to letter any properties if there are to take action under the Roads Act (Scotland) 1984, sub section 99.”
Response from Amenity Services: “As and when resources become available we will redirect staff to clear pavements”.
The Council has two mechanical sweepers that work across the four areas usually for two weeks in one of the administrative areas at a time (Bute & Cowal being one area). The policy on street sweeping is,
“The policy allows for a cyclic cleaning service of all publicly adopted footways and pedestrian areas. The budget reductions in recent years have been quite significant with over 25% reduction our street cleansing budget alone. This means that priority is often given to busier locations resulting in delays to non-urgent cleansing.”
So, Gordon is going to email the Head of Roads & Amenity Services pointing out that the A880 through Kilmun/Strone/Blairmore is a busy main road and so, under the above policy, should be given a priority for sweeping.
Pavement opposite surgery
Roads response, “The surface of this section will be prepared ahead of surfacing with bituminous material and any type 1 which has been lost due to flooding etc. will be reinstated first. We will also remove all scrub etc. which has grown up since the first part was installed and we are still looking at progressing this work during the Autumn of 2018.”
Note that “September” has now become the vaguer term “Autumn”.
Huge puddle across the A880 near Eachaig Bridge
Roads response, “We plan to install additional drainage through the footpath when we are surfacing the remaining part of the footpath in Kilmun. The work will be completed as soon as we have resources available.”
Request for SLOW markings and “blind summit” sign in Blairmore.
Have asked Roads. Awaiting response.
Alan was asked about the Road information sign at the Cot House. He has asked several times as to when it will come into use. He will email again.
Benmore & Kilmun Community Development Trust (BKCDT)
There is to be a 70s disco in Uig Hall
Blairmore Village Trust (BVT)
BT expressed disappointment that there was no report from BVT. It was noted that they had been awarded a gold in the recent Beautiful Scotland awards, and had been voted Best Coastal Village.
11. Community Action Plan 2018 - 2023
Although the initial survey has been done this work is paused at present.
Argyll Community Planning Group (ACPG)
Nothing to report
Caucus of Community Councils
A meeting was held with the of A&BC Melissa Stewart Area Governance Officer and discussions were made how to facilitate Caucus meetings to be held 2 weeks before the Area Community Planning Group.
Forestry felling on Kilmun Hill
It was noted that planning permission is being sought to extend the forestry roadway east of the Golf Course, which would imply that more felling is to be done.
Bird Hide at Kilmun
This is progressing
A880 Walkway & Safety Barrier, Pavement Invereck to Cot House
Refer back to Alan Reid’s comments
Cemetery Toilets
Nothing to report
Highgate Hall
It is believed that a valuation is being sought, though Graham Thompson is away for the next three months.
BT Broadband
Nothing to report
13. Archived issues
14. Any other competent business
AM reported that a decision had been made by the Shore Churches to dispose tof the Ardentinny and Kilmun churches. It is hoped that the Kilmun church can be taken over by a charitable heritage organisation, whilst the Ardentinny church will be sold. Strone will be the one main church in the area.
Date and place of next MeetingPlace: Blairmore Hall, Blairmore
Date: Tuesday 9th October at 7.30pm.
Meetings held Second Tuesday each month alternating between Younger & Blairmore Halls.
Kilmun Hall – January, March, May, July, September, November
Blairmore Hall – February,April, June, August, October, December