
AGM 2018

Kilmun Community Council

Annual General Meeting – 12th June 2018, Younger Hall, Kilmun at 7.30 pm




Brian Tester (Convenor), Diane Nicholson (Vice Convenor),  Russell Humphreys (Treasurer), Janet Holm (Secretary),  Andy Mullen, Graham Revill and, Fraser Smith

Also Present:, D Mackenzie (LATNP ), Victor Sandall (BKCDT), and PC Donald MacKay

APOLOGIES Lachlan Macquarie: Councillor A Reid, Agnes Harvey (BVT), Councillor Y McNeilly and Councillor G. Blair.



The minutes of the last AGM (9thth May 2017) were accepted as a true record of events

Proposed by:  Andy Mullen

Seconded by:- Diane Nicholson         Carried


Hi good people, another year gone. So, what have we achieved? …not necessarily in chronological order….

A brilliant Committee for starters, working together with very committed local Councillors and residents. KCC started off with strong liaison with Ardentinny CC. Together we worked to invite all organisations based within the ‘Shore’ from Kilmun to Ardentinny to an inaugural meeting. Very good feedback, showing that groups wanted to work together and know what each other were doing and on what date, so clashes are minimised, and with great efforts from Janet, the Shore online Diary is up and running, and the Directory is on its way!

We applied for and received, grants from A&BC and a well-known supplier of electricity! We now have many items for gardening use, including a scrunger (my word, cuts up branches etc.), strimmer, blower, lawn mower and numerous other gardening accessories…AND PLANTS, all owned or purchased by KCC and our volunteers at Shore Sweepers. Work undertaken at many locations throughout our area, including the Shore, Kilmun Church, Invereck Care Home, Strone Brae, Grahams’ Point. The public areas amongst this list are areas where the local Council used to help, but where financial restraints have reduced or forced cessation of work. You might notice that thanks to Gordon, Frank and John, you can now see ‘across the bend’ by the tea caddy houses. Just another job that KCC have helped in where the Council could no longer commit workforce.

The defibrillator was moved from Strone School to Younger Hall, and fitted to the outside wall for public use as a whole. We now have 8 residents trained in basic CPR and use of the defibrillator, so we can perhaps help to save a life if SAS can’t attend in time, or if they are unavailable.

We have gone through a Community Council Election, due to changes in the legislation, which governs CC’s, and we still have a strong Council, having unfortunately lost Kirsty due to family commitments. We still have 8 excellent Community Councillors, but need up to 4 more to fill our maximum places, so if you know of anyone who might like to join us, please, get them to come along and give us a new perspective.

I mentioned our committed local Councillors, but I really would like to thank them for their apolitical stance when working with KCC. We view Alan, Yvonne and Gordon as on our team, and they serve us with excellence….regardless of their political persuasion….from helping with speed limits, to road repairs and other tasks that benefit our community.

Thanks to our friendly and supportive local Police Officer, Donald MacKay. Hoping that his health continues to improve and looking forward to his support for another year.

For the next year I will be focusing on improving ties with forestry, so that we are ‘in the loop’ when it comes to any and all ongoing and future works that might impact on our residents

This includes the movement of Heavy Goods Vehicles on our roads, and we will liaise with ACC if necessary to ensure our roads remain in a reasonable condition.

I also look forward to making progress with Grahams’ Point. At present, it is a complete mess regarding ‘who owns what’, and ‘who looks after what else’. Scottish Water, despite working to improve the treatment of our sewage, have been regularly criticised regarding the ongoing roadworks in Kilmun, the parking of contractors vehicles at Grahams’ Point, the over-run of the projected works, the condition that they have left GP in now due to the long term use of the site and the idiotic phasing of the ‘temporary’ traffic lights. The poor setting of the phasing and failure to prevent residents parking when works have extended has caused many ‘road rage’ incidents, which should have been avoided if reasonable common sense and planning had been displayed. I am awaiting confirmation from ACHA that we (KCC) can take some control regarding the use and protection of GP. If and when this comes, I will have some authority to communicate with those authorities concerned.

No further news on the wind farm at Ardtaraig or Infinergy, but I will make contact with Infinergy, and see what’s happening, so we’ll have more news soon,

Finally, a massive than you to ACHA….for maintaining the grass on Grahams’ Point, but more for the standard of work carried out by their team. Thanks to them, the grass looks good, and has ensured that one worry we all had has not come to fruition!

Thanks to everyone, who makes this a better place to live.

BM thanked the committee for their work and their success in obtaining funding which had not been achieved by the KCC before and for the work that had been done in the community in the last year in a large part because of that success.

Approval of Accounts for year 2017-2018

The accounts were approved and accepted.

Thanks to Sue Minns for doing the examination of the accounts.


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