
January 2019


Facebook - @shoresweepersandKCC   Website - www.kilmuncc.co.uk


8th January 2019 held at Younger Hall, Kilmun 7.30PM.

PRESENT:) Brian Tester (Convenor), Diane Nicholson (Vice Convenor) Graham Revill, Janet Holm (Secretary), Fraser Smith. Victor Sandall and Mandy Grout

Also Present Councillor A Reid, PC Donald MacKay, Bob Daracott (National Park),

APOLOGIES: Russell Humphreys (Treasurer), Lachie McQuarie, Councillor Y McNeilly and Councillor G. Blair, (BKCDT)



A correction to the last month’s minutes was made as follows:

In response to a question about the planning application for Artaraig windfarm Alan Reid said that he expect the Council’s Planning Committee will refer the application to a public hearing.

It is likely by saying that the application will be decided by Scottish Minsters for the following reasons.

If the Council’s Planning Committee refuse the application, then it is expected that the applicant will appeal to Scottish Ministers.

On the other hand, if the Council’s Planning Committee are minded to grant it, then, because a Scottish Government agency, SNH, has objected, the application is automatically referred to Scottish Ministers.

Either way the Scottish Government decides.

Proposed:   Diane Nicholson

Seconded:   Janet Holm                     Carried


BT (Convenor) said that KCC has 2 applications for co-opted members Victor Sandal and Mandy Grout.

Their applications and been circulated round the committee and, at the meeting everyone present (more than 2/3s  present ) had no objection to them being co-opted members of the Kilmun Community Council.

The co-optees then now serve, with full voting rights, up to the interim elections in 2020 when they’d be expected to go through a formal nomination process/election.

KCC welcomed Victor and Mandy onto the committee.

Brian said that he had still not received a resignation letter from Andy Mullen but as he does not now live in the area another vacancy for a co-opted member is still open.


Brought Forward                                  £3639.98

Expenditure  -                                   

Festive Lunch                                     144.12

Table clothes for festive lunch 2019   248.55                           

Stationary costs                                  £65.98


Interest                                                0.50

Income from Festive Lunch                392.20     


General fund                                       1210.53

Gardening                                             123.77

Festive Lunch                                       199.53

SSE grant                                           2045.87

Directory donations                                   7.00

Overall total                                       3574.03


KCC congratulated Donald Mackay on his recent promotion to Sergeant.

He said that there was little to report over this month.

There had been 13 incidents and 1 crime report.

The crime was a theft of metal from an empty house at Ballochyle. The thieves were apprehended and charged thanks to the very quick response of residents to a neighbourhood watch alert. KCC used the email list from the shore collaboration (40 contacts) and this was quickly disseminated further, Donald was very pleased, that, put to the test, this strategy was very successful.

Responding to a question Donald said the new inspector, Dougie Wilson, hopes to be able to attend the next KCC meeting.

7          Correspondence

East Cowal Heritage trail leaps into next phase! (project newsletter)

Community Partnership - Social Enterprise Academy Hub Survey! Calling all Village Halls, CDT's and community interest groups! Survey. In partnership with the Social Enterprise Academy, The Community Partnership is looking to develop a Social Enterprise Academy Hub in the Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park. Please take a few minutes to complete our very short survey https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/2LTJL9W

Letter from some committee members re situation at Blairmore Hall.

8          Planning Applications

The following planning applications have been submitted to LLTNP

Extension to form raised timber deck to front elevation (Retrospective) Charity Cottage Gairletter Cottages Blairmore

Installation of gas tank (retrospective) Novar Kilmun Dunoon

Internal alterations to install shower/changing facilities and installation of replacement roof to outbuilding. The Courtyard Benmore Estate Benmore.

The Kilmun Pier application

KCC have facillated a public meeting to be held at the Younger Hall Kilmun on Wednesday 16th January at 6.30pm. The meeting should be finished no later than 9.30. 

BT has communicated to G Ross (Western Ferries) by email and asked where the 3D visualisation images that have been promised are, as they haven’t been received yet. Mr Ross had promised that they would be available in the first week of January, well before the public meeting. At present BT is concerned that this will not be done in time.

B Daracott said that the planning team at the National Park are also waiting for the information

9.         Community Matters

The Festive Lunch went well and was enjoyed by all. There were less people there than last year and less money was made although it is not a fundraising event. JH said that planning was already taking place for next year to be prepared more ahead of time. Notes were taken of things that could be done more effectively . It was decided that the profits for the event went towards buying wipe clean table clothes that will fit the tables in younger Hall for the lunch next year. These tablecloths, with permission from KCC, can be used by other groups and care has to be taken of them.

Defibrillator at Younger Hall Kilmun


Gardening / environmental improvements from A&BC Funding

A very effective beach clean was done in December across from the Strone in involving 10+ volunteers. An amazing area of rubbish was gathered including a case full of plastic bottles. The most worry plastic rubbish found was hundreds of plastic cotton buds.

JH said that, on the request from a resident been in touch with ABC about the removal of a derelict rowing boat that had been tied up months ago by the coastguard. In recent storms it has been breaking up along the shore. Volunteers from the community are to break up the boat and ABC will collect the parts when the boat is broken up. ABC will collect rubbish from beach cleans etc. The number for this service and the dog warm or other environmental pest issues.


Alan Reid ABC gave the following report

Pavement repairs

The works opposite the health centre are due to start this week and the works on the A815 pavement will follow on as soon as they can be programmed and weather permitting.

Review of public convenience provision

Discussions to take place early this year.

Request for 40mph limit between Sandhaven and Cot House

Roads are in discussion with Police Scotland


Amenity Services confirm that all recyclable waste collected from blue bins is recycled. See https://www.argyll-bute.gov.uk/content/recycling-figures for the detailed figures. In 2017, 49.8% of all waste collected in Argyll & Bute was recycled, composted or recovered.  This is up from 46.4% in 2016.

In response to a previous question about weeds on the pavements Alan emailed the following response after the meeting.

“Previously amenity services struggled to cover the weed killing programme due to staff shortages, however we look to carry out these works before the end of March 2019 as part of the winter maintenance programme.”

Alan said  If nothing’s been done by the February meeting, I’ll send them a reminder.

Bob Daracott (National Park),

Bob said that there is very little to report. There was some discussion about whether the Kilmun bird hide project would require planning permission.  Bob will find out about this.

A question was asked about the work going on at a house in Kilmun where walls have collapsed and new entrances have been put in the wall at the pavement. Bob will make inquires.

Benmore & Kilmun Community Development Trust (BKCDT)

An application for a small grant from ACHA is being made for outdoor excurse equipment for Graham’s Point. Next meeting is in February

Blairmore Village Trust (BVT)

GH reported that the village Trust had made the sandwiches for the Festive lunch.

Communities and Service Manger (Argyll Forest Park)

No report and no apologies for non-attendance. BT to send an email to FES to convey his disappointment at the poor support we are receiving from them.

Younger Hall

A BURNS LUNCH at the Younger Hall  Monday January 22rd 2018 (12 for 12.30)

At the Younger Hall, Kilmun. Tickets:  £15.00 (including a glass of wine). Raffle. Tickets can be obtained from Russell Humphreys  01369840345

Blairmore Hall

Further from the report submitted by the secretary from Blairmore Hall committee a letter was sent to KCC explaining the situation from the viewpoint of others on the committee. An Extraordinary meeting is to be held this coming Sunday at Blairmore Hall.

Pat Lynn formulated a response to that letter, and she is to be asked if they want the letter to be put onto KCC website as the previous report was included in December minutes.

UIg Hall

No Report.

11.       Community Action Plan 2018 - 2023

Although the initial survey has been done this work is paused at present.


Ardtaraig Wind Farm


Argyll Community Planning Group (ACPG)

The Group meeting due to take place on Tuesday 5th February 2019 at 10am in the Timber Pier Building , Dunoon.

Caucus of Community Councils

The next meeting will be held before the planning meeting above.

Bird Hide at Kilmun

GH reported that 4 people had agreed to be trustees of Friends of Kilmun Bird Hide. An application is being made to the ABC sustainable fund. An application is being made to incorporate the group as an SCIO. The Natural History Club is going to be asked if they would like to join as members.

Bob Daracott will check is planning permission will be needed for the renovation work.

A880 Walkway & Safety Barrier, Pavement Invereck to Cot House

Included in Alan Reid’s report.

Cemetery Toilet

Included in Alan Reid’s report.

Highgate Hall

NTR – To be kept on the agenda

BT Broadband

From Discussion Fraser Smith is going to see if he can find out more about the difficulties Les Orr is having getting connected to broadband.

13.       Any other competent business

Bob Daracott said the he attended the opening of the Lauder Monument. There is a new car park and footpath.

BT said that he had an email from Robert Aldam re Freedom of Information about grass cutting in Cowal. This is not to be taken further as ACHA are cutting the grass and they own the land. 

Next Meeting

Place: Blairmore Hall, Blairmore

Date: Tuesday 12th February at 7.30pm.


Meetings held Second Tuesday each month alternating between Younger & Blairmore Halls.

Kilmun Hall – January, March, May, July, September, November

Blairmore Hall – February, April, June, August, October, December

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