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August 2019

Facebook - @shoresweepersandKCC        Website - www.kilmuncc.co.uk


13 August 2019 held at Blairmore Hall, Blairmore 7.30PM.


PRESENT:) Brian Tester, (Convener) Diane Nicholson (Vice Convenor), Russell Humphreys (Treasurer), Victor Sandall, Lachie Macquarie, Mandy Grout, Graham Revill.  

Also Present:  Councillor A Reid, PC Ross Hardie, Bruce Marshall, Les Orr, Graham and Jean Thompson, John hare(FLS)

APOLOGIES: Janet Holm (Secretary), Dale Mallin, Bob Darracott (National Park), (Councillor Y McNeilly, Councillor G. Blair, Sue Rule (Blairmore Hall), and Fraser Smith. Gordon Holm, Kirsty Manuel.


Before the start of the meeting a short silence was held in memory of Gordon McDonald and Andrew Patterson.





Proposed:        Mandy Grout,

Seconded:       Russell Humphreys                Carried







RH pointed out that normally statements are received after the meeting, but the break has allowed an up to date reconciliation. RH noted that a cheque issued to Blairmore Village Hall for rental for £96 has not been cashed.


Since the last meeting there has been expenditure on childrens pads for the defibrillator (£129.95) and interest paid of 0.44p



General fund                                       930.81

Gardening                                             42.2

Shore Sweepers                                 34.18

Festive Lunch                                   199.53

SSE grant                                       1915.92

Directory donations                              7.00

Overall total                                   3129.64


The Crossover switch for Kilmun Hall has been fitted and the bill  (£750) has been received. This will be from the SSE grant.


Forestry Report


John Hare, Planning Manager from  Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) gave a presentation on the spread of the Phytophthora Ramorum disease which affects the Larch tree mainly. There has been a merging of the different forestry divisions. John said that there would be more frequent visits to the Community Councils, with at least one annual update, such as he was giving.

Last year only 3 outbreaks were reported, but this year the number has risen to 32 with others pending investigation.

There is a new virulent strain (EU2) which has been discovered mainly between Toward and Corlarach. This strain was first found in Galloway, and has been rampaging through the forests. Previously trees within 100 metres have been cut, but the new advice is the cut 250 metres around the infected trees. This will mean widespread harvesting in that area and every larch in Corlarach will have to be felled.

John was asked about the effect on the wildlife, and to his knowledge, they have been relatively unaffected as they move deeper into the woods.

He was also asked about the rise in water levels coming from the felled areas. The recent landslide being an example. This he believed was caused more by the transport of the wood, rather than the actual felling



PC Ross Hardie introduced himself as the current community Policeman. He has been in Dunoon for over 4 years and worked closely with Donald Mackay.


From the 1st June there have been 27 incidents in the KCC area. 9 in Blairmore and 18 in Kilmun.

6 Crimes had been investigated, including Abusive behaviour, Common Assault and one incident of housebreaking.

The Ironworks patrols, jointly with Forestry officials, have been taking place, using a marked car.

BT mentioned that there have been some more incidences of vandalism at Grahams Point. He also said that ACHA had been providing excellent support in helping to maintain the area.



7          Correspondence (Circulated to members)

Community Partnership

B&C Community planning group

Dunoon Jazz festival

Strone Post Office


8          Planning Applications


 The Kilmun Pier application


See Loch Lomond report



 Ardtaraig Wind Farm

See Councillors report.




9.         Community Matters

The Shore Sweepers

No report


Defibrillator at Younger Hall Kilmun

Children’s pads have been obtained. BT asked again for dates for training


Crossover switch at Kilmun Hall

Fitted and completed.





Alan Reid Councillor for ABC gave the following report:

Pavement at Cot House


The A815 footway is around 85% complete with only the sections at either end remaining to be resurfaced along with the bellmouth of the junction at Orchard Cottage.

The sections to still to be resurfaced are at the East, from the field access East of Orchard Farm towards the Cot House access road and at the West from the pedestrian crossing point around the bus layby to the shared pedestrian/cycleway.

Works were suspended due to the commencement of this year’s carriageway capital reconstruction program and it is anticipated work will resume in September 2019 to completion.


 Tree protruding through seawall near old police station


Received a reply from Roads on 18 July saying, “The Roads Inspector has confirmed that he'll ask the local tree surgeon to attend to this and some others in the area.”


 Pavement sweeping through Kilmun, Strone and Blairmore


 Received a reply on 5 July saying the Green Machine Sweeper had broken down and the pavements would be swept after it had been repaired.


 Weeding, Grass Cutting


On 2 August, I took Tom Murphy, the Amenity Services Manager, to Kilmun and showed him the various issues – the unswept pavement, the grass and shrubs growing out onto the pavement and the poor sight lines at the bend near the ‘tea caddy’ houses.

He promised that all would be attended to later this summer.


RH raised the point that road painting had been done outside the Strone Inn. Why had other parts, which had been identified for painting, not been done. AR said that the council had not been responsible for the markings, and would follow this up.


Ardtaraig Windfarm Planning Application


The developer appealed to the Scottish Government on 26 June, the last possible date.



Bob Daracott (Loch Lomond Representative) was not in attendance but sent the following report


Western Ferries/Kilmun Pier.

   The updated photomontage submitted in June do not show the crew Access gangway accurately and fails to provide any detail of the security gate. Hence, more detail has been requested - a response is awaited. The application will be presented to the full NP Planning Committee in due course. No date confirmed as yet.


- Ardentinny Fish Farm.

   The NP issued their opinion on the scope and detail of a required Environmental Impact Assessment on the 23rd July. Details of this response is available on the online Planning Information system. No planning application has been lodged with the NP, as yet.


- Tyneshandon House, Strone.

   Following local comment and some correspondence between ourselves, the owner of the property was contacted by the NP on the 12th July. There have been discussions about the current status of the building and the legal implications of carrying out works on a listed building without consent. The upshot is that NP planning officer, Craig Jardine, will be holding  an onsite meeting in the next 2 weeks with the owner, to assess the current position and ensure all works are carried out legally and ultimately (if necessary) within the context of a current planning application.


I’ve received, this afternoon, an email from Guy Keating at the NP. He’s an ‘Access Officer’. He’s done some research into the pathways adjacent to this property and has reported that there is no legal/formal right of way recorded at this location. It would therefore be up to the community to seek to establish one through an organisation called Scotway.


I’m not overly familiar with the process though I’m sure it will require the taking of depositions from local people who would confirm the existence of the path for many years.


Benmore & Kilmun Community Development Trust (BKCDT)


Blairmore Hall

At the Blairmore Hall AGM in May several new faces were elected to the Management Committee – Jean Christie, Sue Rule and Emily Wallace. Sue Rule was subsequently elected Chair by the new Committee, and Jean Christie Secretary. Bryan Shewry continues as Treasurer. Other members of the committee  are:

Community representatives:

Jim King (Maintenance Officer),

Catherine Rae

Victor Sandall.

User group representatives:

Pat Lynn                      The Hub

Barry Thomson           Shore Art Group

Florence Fletcher        Bridge Club

Frank Stephenson       Blairmore Carpet Bowls Club

Frank Stephenson resigned from the Committee on 1st July following a difference of opinion over how the committee was run.

At the first meeting of the new Management Committee held on Monday 13th May 2019, we drew up the following Mission Statement:

“By 2025:

•           The Hall will look substantially the same outside but will have all the facilities of a modern village hall on the inside.

•           The Hall will be a focal point for the community.

•           The Hall will be financially stable.”

As had already been identified by previous Committees, the essential first step towards this goal is to transition from a Charitable Trust to a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO). There are two types of SCIO to choose from – a single-tier and a two-tier. Following concerns raised at the AGM about the potential loss of community accountability associated with a single-tier SCIO, the current committee are working on re-drafting the new constitution as a two-tier SCIO, which will allow members of the community served by the Hall to become Members of the new organisation and have the ultimate say over what happens to the Hall.

We are also working to put in place all the other foundation blocks which will enable us to achieve our objective, prioritising tasks and actions in four key areas: Governance, Financial Management, Community Engagement and Maintenance.

We intend to be active in keeping the local community informed on our progress, and have just issued the first of our quarterly news bulletins – copies available in the Hall. We invite everyone to join the Hall Supporters Club and receive an email copy of these bulletins. Joining forms are available from the Secretary (Jean Christie, 07950 052073), or you can sign up on line at our new website www.blairmorehall.com. Copies of the Newsletter can also be sent by post, but a small charge will be made to cover the cost of printing and postage. 


Younger Hall


As reported in the accounts the crossover switch has finally been installed. Work has started, with the Payback team, of decorating the outside of the hall, but this has been badly affected by the bad weather.

At the recent AGM, it was decided that the hall would change its charitable status to an SCIO, given that there is only one surviving trustee.



Strone Primary


11.       Community Action Plan 2018 - 2023

See Bob Daracott report.



Argyll Community Planning Group (ACPG)


Caucus of Community Councils


Bird Hide at Kilmun

A meeting with the solicitors has been held and the process of transferring the property is underway.


A880 Walkway & Safety Barrier, Pavement Invereck to Cot House

See previous report


Cemetery Toilet


Highgate Hall

Graham Thompson said that had been no significant development, but that the trustees would like to resolve the issue, and that a public meeting would have to be held to obtain the views of the local communities.


BT Broadband

Nothing further to report


13.       Any other competent business


LM asked Cllr Reid if A7B council had any contingency plans regarding Brexit on October 31st. As far as he was aware, there were no special plans in place



Next Meeting

Place: Younger Hall, Kilmun

Date: Tuesday 10th September at 7.30pm.

Meetings held Second Tuesday each month alternating between Younger & Blairmore Halls.

Kilmun Hall – January, March, May, July (Recess) September, November

Blairmore Hall – February, April, June, August, October, December


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