
February 2020


Facebook - @shoresweepersandKCC        Website - www.kilmuncc.co.uk


11th February 2020 held at Blairmore  Hall, Blairmore 7.30PM.


PRESENT: Diane Nicholson (Vice Convenor), Janet Holm (Secretary), Russell Humphreys (Treasurer), Mandy Grout, Graham Revill and Victor Sandall,

Also Present: Bob Darracott (National Park), Councillor A Reid, Bruce Marshall, Caroline Munro, Les Orr, Gordon Holm, Sue Rule (Blairmore Village Hall) and Agnes Harvey BVT,

APOLOGIES Brian Tester, (Convener), Dale Mallin, Fraser Smith, Lachie Macquarie, Lorraine Hopkin Munro Councillor Y McNeilly, Councillor G. Blair,



Proposed:       Russell Humphreys

Seconded:       Mandy Grout               Carried





Carried forward                                 3197.24



Gardening                                             55.95

Donation                                                20.00

Data Protection                                     35.00

BVT (Christmas Lunch costs)               84.00

Funds In

Interest                                                    0.33

Christmas Fayre                                 430.94


General fund                                       1249.37

Gardening and Shore Sweepers        123.48

Festive Lunch                                     595.47

SSE grant                                         1090.92

Directory donations                                7.00

Overall total                                       3066.24



PC Mark Converay and PC Lec Cameron attended the meeting.

In January there were 9 calls. There was nothing of particular note. There was a welfare check, a speeding issue, and an issue of fly tipping at Glennfinnart road.

There were no crime reports.

JH asked about the legal position of fly tipping including garden rubbish into the sea. This is an offence to the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

7          Correspondence (Already circulated to committee members)

A &BC - HSCP leaflets & Budget consultation leaflets.

Blairmore Hall - up to date copy of the halls Conditions of Hire.

Request from Agnes Harvey for KCC to support crowd funding for Blairmore Pier

CPP (Community Planning Partnership) Bulletin 7th February 2020

Interim By-Election – Kilmun Community Council - the process commencing on 31 March 2020 

NP - Growing Enterprising Communities - 12 March 2020.- Balloch

Strone Primary - Valentines Tearoom in the School on Wednesday 19th February at 10am to 12noon,

A&BC - VE DAY 75 8TH MAY 2020

Draft Sectorial Marine Plan for Offshore Wind Energy - Consultation event details

A&BC – Annual survey for Community Council Secretaries and Conveners

Blairmore Hall Trust

 - Looking for people to help with the upgrading of the hall – financial support in looking for a treasurer and to be part of a fund raising group

A&BC - National Planning Framework 4 - early engagement - community councils

NP – Live Park update

Planning Applications

Erection of telecoms mast and installation of associated equipment Glen Massan Estate Near Dunoon – Withdrawn

Erection of 15 metre high telecommunications lattice tower with associated ground based equipment enclosure  - FLS Land At Cruach Benmore Woodland, Glen Massan, - Listed Buildings Setting

Further application (under section 42) for planning permission for erection of 30metre telecoms mast and ancillary equipment approved under 2018/0199/DET without conditions 2 and 3 - Loch Eck Scottish Water Compound Near Dunoon Argyll & Bute - Neighbour Notification

The Kilmun Pier application

This has progressed with photomontage material now being received by the National Park. This is now out to KCC for comment in the next week or two. The applicant has now met all the requirements for the application. The application is now going to the full planning committee because if the previous applications and will also be sent to JH for the information to be disseminated.

Pier Hotel

RH said that Neil Warnock (the applicant for the Pier Hotel) had gone round neighbours to say that he is going to with draw the application to regenerate The Pier Hotel. It is said that he had wanted to change the planning application but has not reapplied to actually do this. Bob Darracott said that the original application had been approved but significant changes were to be made in the proposed amendments.

9.         Community Matters

The Shore Sweepers

JH showed a photograph of the proposed sign and flower tub for near the entrance to the Shore Villages. The Shore Sweepers have applied for funding for this through ABC sustainability fund.

A meeting of the Shore Sweepers is to be held on Thursday 20th February @ The Younger Hall @ 2.30pm


Councillor Alan Reid reported


Request for crash barrier opposite wooden houses at Echaig

Roads response,

“Further to the request from the community for additional barrier provision in the vicinity of Echaig - Kilmun on A880, we can confirm that the removal of the existing trees were carried out by another party, out with any consultation with us as the Roads Authority. This has undoubtedly exposed the embankment adjacent to the A880 and we are concerned that this unauthorised work may result in a de-stabilisation of the carriageway.

“If any of your constituents can assist in identifying the contractor who carried out these works, we would be grateful, as we will require a discussion with them on suitable remedial works.

“Further to the request for new Vehicle Safety Fencing at this location, the current priority within Roads and Infrastructure is to continue with the project drawn up in 2015 to prioritise the elimination of timber post supported barriers, from the network. Until such time as this project is substantially complete (which may take a further decade or more at current annual revenue funding) we are not able to enhance the quantity of barriers substantially.

“There is no doubt, a desirable need for a barrier at the location mentioned, but within the criteria for selecting sites within Well Managed Highway infrastructure and DMRB this site has several mitigating measures.

“The A880 at this point is subject to a 40mph speed limit. In winter it is on a main pre-treatment route and at the locus the road is generally straight.

“Therefore, within any schedule which may be drawn up in the future, this location is likely to be much lower down the priority list, than other sites within Cowal or Argyll and Bute as a whole.

“As such, we are not able at this point to give a firm commitment to when, if ever, an additional barrier could be provided at the location.

“However we do need to assess the stability of the now exposed slope and determine both what stabilisation measures are necessary and how this is to be funded.

“Work towards providing a Policy on Retrospective Safety Barrier Provision and identifying a potential budget is something that will be developed over coming years as part of regular Policy review.

“The survey of timber post supported barrier, carried out in 2015, identified over 13,900m of barrier in need of upgrade throughout Argyll and Bute, although only 1,825m was located in Cowal.

“The cost of this whole exercise was based on an average unit rate of £150/lin. m. for replacement with a currently compliant Vehicle Safety Fence, a total value of £ 2.091M.

“At the current revenue allocation of £100k p.a.  allocated as £25k per area, the Cowal programme will take approximately 10 years to complete.

“Further to my previous contact, I ask again that you forward on behalf of the community the name of their appointed contractor.

“This contractor is responsible for the removal of the trees, without the approval of the Roads Authority.

“As stated, this has opened up the area to the risk of erosion, notwithstanding the community request for a barrier, which will incur additional unplanned expense on the Council.

“We are keen to offset this impact on our diminishing budgets by discussing with the contractor appropriate remedial actions to mitigate the above risks, as soon as practicable.”

Flooding outside Kilmun Court

Roads response,

“All storm damage has been cleared following inspection after the storm. The area will again be inspected over the next heavy rain period and any defects recorded and instructed as required.”

Burst pipes at Johnson Avenue

Scottish Water response,

“I can confirm that Scottish Water has carried out repairs at this location as a result of bursts which have occurred on the water network.

“I am sorry that this has caused inconvenience to your constituents. I can confirm that our in-house delivery team have visited this location to investigate and are currently looking at options for a permanent solution to reduce the risk of bursts.

“Unfortunately I do not yet have a start date for the project, however we will write to the community in advance to advise when these works will be taking place. “

Roads policy on private signs

Roads response,

“In terms of signage placed at the edge of a road it might first be useful to detail what a “road” is; a road includes the carriageway, footways and verges.  If there are embankments, retaining walls and so on then these would normally also form part of the structure of the road.   We don’t normally permit non-road signs within the road corridor (exceptions may be a banner or short term sign, e.g. during elections).  Out with the road corridor, we wouldn't necessarily object to the signs unless we consider that they would cause an obstruction to view (for drivers) or posed a risk to the travelling public.”


Councillor Reid said that KCC could put a complaint into the roads department about the signs if it wanted too.

Strone Brae flooding

Roads response, “Unfortunately, due to inclement weather and conflicting priorities we have been unable to start these works as yet. Works are now programmed for mid-March, however these works are weather dependant.”

Tarmac not repaired following the damage caused by the machine when removing weeds

Roads response,

“The area has been inspected and an instruction raised to have any defects repaired within 28 days.

“With regards to the schedule of weed killing, unfortunately the number of times we spray weed killer on footpaths was reduced from two to one per year. This is usually done around April / May time when there is some weed growth. Due to budget constraints we are not currently in a position to increase this.”

Request for flashing speed limit signs in Kilmun and Clachaig

Roads response,

“The signs in question have been acquired. They will be considered for the below locations when they become available.  They are currently being used in other areas at the moment.”

Repeater 30mph signs in Blairmore

Roads response,

“On reviewing the actual number of repeater 30mph signs on this section, there is a requirement for and additional pole with 2 signs back to back. These will be ordered and installed in the near future.

A resident said that across from the houses at Blairmore Cres a bus stop sign and an elderly sign had fallow off.

RH said that when the road signs had been done recently they seemed to have been done in a random way.

The slow sign at the slope near the Blairmore Hall had not been done.

BM reported a hole at the side of the road 100 metres form the new houses in Blairmore.

Bob Darracott (Loch Lomond Representative)

LLTNP Representative said that there was nothing new to report on the fish farm application.

He said that an application for a brewery/shop / café at Carrick Castle has been given consent.

Mr Darracott said that an officer from the NP is going to look round this are on Friday and can look at the signs at the end of the road.

The sign at the junction at the end of the road at Kilmun is going to be controlled centrally and so it should be easier for warning messages about the Rest and Be Thankful road to be displayed more timely in future,

Blairmore Village Trust

Agnes Harvey who was present at the meeting gave the following report.

Update from: - Blairmore Village Trust & Blairmore Hall Trust

Prepared for Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group (4th Feb 2020)

1. Joint Statement of Intent

For a number of years, community developments in Blairmore have been blighted with difficulties in forming a collaborative approach, to the development of community owned assets (land and buildings).  Following support from A&B TSI in the spring of 2019, the two trusts with overlapping responsibilities have more recently been able to forge a positive pathway. This has resulted in the creation of a Joint Statement of Intent (shown below).  We are all delighted to have made this breakthrough, and are now making great strides forward.

Each of the two Trusts has major strategic developments, which are inter-linked. *  As part of the new Joint Strategy Meetings we have agreed to combine the planning of those developments and take a co-ordinated approach to community engagement, progressing in a united way.

*BVT is progressing the outcome of the Charette process in 2014, including the creation of self-catering holiday lets, public toilets, car and coach parking and Blairmore Gardens.  With the aid of grant funding from LLTNP, the architects design options are imminent; to be further consulted on.                 

 *BHT has a need to upgrade and expand the facilities at Blairmore Hall, including accessibility, kitchen, toilets, heating, lighting etc. There is a concern about the long-term future of the Hall, which has listed status, if this work is not carried out in a timely fashion.

2. Place Standard

Following a period of research, the group has decided to utilise the Place Standard toolkit to help address the engagement and dialogue needed across the community of Blairmore. Those who use these local facilities will also be included.

In December we made a simultaneous approach to Loch Lomond & Trossachs National Park and A&BC Community Planning & Development, to request guidance and expertise to assist us in the use of the Place Standard.  In response, this has led to the offer of support from two officers from the Park (Fiona Jackson & Kirsty Sweeney, Community Planning). And although it wasn’t possible for anyone from the A&BC team to directly assist; their efforts through Sharon MacDonald, resulted in the offer of support from Sam Whitmore, Senior Health Improvement Officer with NHS Scotland.

Through dialogue, it was recommended that we form a small Steering Group to plan the implementation of the Place Standard.  This group will hold its first meeting on 24th February 2020 and will include two members from each Trust and the NHS and Park advisers.  It is hoped that we will make rapid progress, and be in a position to start the process of engagement during the spring.

3. Year of Coasts and Water 2020 (YCW2020)

As a community, Blairmore will be engaging in series of events throughout the summer and autumn to celebrate YCW2020.  Integral to our celebrations will be the 165th anniversary of Blairmore Pier in July.   PS Waverley is due to return to Blairmore in May and will mark our start of the YCW2020 events; building up to the pier’s 165th anniversary at the end of July.  This will culminate in Waverley’s final visit of the season in October.  This programme of events will be undertaken jointly and will aim to include as many other groups and agencies as can be encouraged.

Prepared by Agnes Harvey on behalf of Joint Strategy Group         2nd February 2020

Joint Statement of Intent between Blairmore Hall Trust and Blairmore Village Trust

1. Introduction

Blairmore Hall Trust (BHT) and Blairmore Village Trust (BVT) are individually responsible for neighbouring sites within Blairmore, both of which are managed as assets available for the benefit of the community.

It is considered beneficial for the two organisations to work more closely together to maximise the benefit delivered to the community which both serve.

While recognising that the overall objectives of BHT and BVT have much in common, they have each travelled a different route to arrive at this point.  The different organisational structures and legal status of the two Trusts reflects the different nature of each organisation. Under the existing structure, each organisation remains independently responsible for the day-to-day management of their own affairs.

Through co-operation, we are committed to developing an integrated strategy for future development.

2. Undertaking

1. The two organisations will meet quarterly as a minimum. This will take the form of Joint Strategy Meetings (JSM). Terms of Reference will be developed at the inaugural meeting. 

2. The two organisations will share financial information. They will determine use of resources and co-ordinate activity relating to strategic projects as agreed at the Joint Strategy Meetings.

3. All external communications regarding joint discussions and activities must be by prior mutual agreement.

3. Development

This document was initially developed at a meeting of Blairmore Hall Trust and Blairmore Village Trust held on Sunday 15th September 2019. Following a further period of reflection and consideration, this final version was presented to a joint meeting of both Trusts on 3rd November 2019 and endorsed by all as set out below.

4. Declaration of Acceptance

On 3rd November 2019, we the undersigned, being the full and complete Committee/Board have duly considered, agreed and endorsed the spirit and content of this ‘Joint Statement of Intent’; we offer our individual and collective commitment to use our best endeavours to ensure its implementation in the spirit intended. This commitment will remain valid until altered at a Joint Strategy Meeting.


Blairmore Hall

Sue Rule (Blairmore Hall) was present at the meeting. Sue Supported what Agnes had said and that the Hall was now working in Joint collaboration with BVT. Sue said that a programme of events was being put together running from may to October which would also support the 160th anniversary of Blairmore Pier.

Forestry and Land Scotland - John Hair (FLS)


Younger Hall

RH gave Information was also given about a craft workshop, which is to be held on a Thursday afternoon @ Younger Hall.

The installation of the stained glass windows is almost complete.

Strone Primary

The Valentine Tea room the school was going to hold had to be cancelled because of flooding in a classroom of the school.

The Shore Sweepers went up to the school to help the pupils sew the yellow rattle seeds.

Benmore & Kilmun Community Development Trust (BKCDT)

Meeting to be held on 25th February. A decision to be made about going forward with a new action plan.


Argyll Community Planning Group (ACPG)

Minutes have been received for Bute and Cowal Community Planning Group, Tuesday, 4 February 2020, 10:00 am

Caucus of Community Councils


Bird Hide at Kilmun

The Fiends of the Kilmun Bird hide are going through the process of getting registration of the land. An application has been made to the Post Code Lottery for funds towards making a disabled access.

Highgate Hall


BT Broadband


13.       Any other competent business

JH reminded that events etc. could be added to the Cowal Communities Community Calendar. There are several administrators for the calendar but JH can be contacted to give information about events etc. round the Shore Collaboration email list and can organise that it is also added to the CCC calendar.

RH gave a full answer to an enquiry fro a resident about the provision for venerable adults in the area. JH also gave a reminder that The Hub which meets on a Thursday Morning @ Blairmore Hall is a good place for people to meet and socialise.

GR said that he had emailed the original contact he had re Clachaig Water Supply. Apparently another group has been set up but it is unclear whether they are going to use the information from the original group.

Agnes Harvey said that she has set up a crowd-funding group to raise money to repair Blairmore Pier. There was a request for a donation from KCC but as the group, which owns the pier, is private RH said that it was not possible.

Next Meeting   

Place: Younger Hall, Kilmun

Date: Tuesday 10th March 2020 at 7.30pm.

Meetings held Second Tuesday each month alternating between Younger & Blairmore Halls.

Kilmun Hall – January, March, May, July (Recess) September, November

Blairmore Hall – February, April, June, August, October, December




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