
Notes June 22

Kilmun Community Council
Meeting Tuesday 14 June 2022
After my disastrous technical faux pas of the Kilmun Community Council Meeting 14 June 2022
where many of the KCC members could not connect to the online meeting. Zoom did not highlight
at my end that people were waiting on an invite to join. We were a meeting of four participants, it
did seem odd but thought some participants could be held up due to the terrible accident at
Sandbank and the ongoing road closure however emails reached me to identify there were
connection difficulties. Due to this I have brought together some notes as there are a number of
things happening this also includes submissions received from others.
Diane Nicholson
Kilmun Community Council
Treasurers Report
Submitted from Russell Humphreys

Police Report
Submission from – Reporting Officer – PS Donald MacIver. 13/06/2022
There have been 13 calls relating to the Kilmun Community Council area. The following were
incidents of note:
2 – Domestic

2 – Drink Driving
5 – Assist the Public
1 – Fraud
1 – Missing Person
1 – RTC
1 – Disturbance
1 – Wildlife
3 crime reports raised
Current Initiatives - ‘Staycation’ will be implemented this month. This is a joint patrol at weekends
between the police and Council warden where the Cowal area will be patrolled. It is a new initiative
and should have a flexible approach to issues within all areas of Cowal.
Planning Applications
Ref No 2022/0166/DET
Date Valid: 8 June 2022
Proposal: Change in the use of coach house to 1 no. house (for holiday use)
Location: Dunmore House Strone Dunoon
Ref No 2022/0179/PPP
Date Valid: 10 June 2022
Proposal: Subdivision of existing plot into two and erection of two-storey dwelling-house
Location: Glenconner Blairmore Dunoon
Community Matters
 Echo Trail – Rob and Ken were two of the participants to the Zoom meeting and have
agreed to give the trail presentation to the next KCC meeting
 Shore Sweepers – Graham’s Point
A meeting was arranged with ACHA, KCC was invited to attend. Unfortunately, Moira and Brian
Tester cancelled at the last minute, I attended the meeting, it was agreed that ACHA would provide
information as to what they believe they are responsible for as there was dubiety of ownership of
items within Graham’s Point and a further meeting would be arranged at a later stage. It was also
suggested that representatives from Shore Sweepers and Benmore & Kilmun Community
Development Trust should attend.
 Highgate Hall and Tyneshandon – Submission by Graham Thompson (Member of the
Board of Trustees) regarding Highgate Hall.
I have drafted below a brief note, I feels it is probably a bit technical but it is difficult to explain the
situation with regard to the Trust and the Committee and the residents of the district without getting
too detailed. I hope this summarises the situation and reflects what they are trying to achieve.
Due to the prolonged period, more than 10 years, of lack of interest in the Highgate Hall,
the Trustees of David Highgate wish to ensure that his bequest to the communities of
Kilmun, Strone, Blairmore and Ardentinny is used to benefit the residents as he intended.
To this end a Public meeting was called, on 3rd May, at which several members of the
public expressed displeasure with the proceedings. The Trust deed is unclear as to how to
proceed in the situation in which there is no sitting publicly elected Committee, the last
Committee resigned in 2012. The Trustees discussed this with senior legal Counsel and it
was agreed that the best way to proceed, which could not be challenged in law was to hold

another public meeting to elect a hall Committee which could then in accordance with the
deeds call a meeting next April to clarify the way forward with the hall. To this end the
Trustees have called a second Public Meeting to be held on 22nd June at 2.30 pm at
which a hall Committee will be elected in accordance with the Deeds.
Discussion with a representative of:
 Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park
Submission by Bob Darracott – LL&TNP Representative (in his words). I’m sorry I missed the CC
meeting a couple of nights ago. It would have been my last as I’ve decided not to stand again for
the Park Board. I have however really enjoyed the last 4 years and in particular working with
yourselves in the local community – you do a great job. Wishing you all the best in the future.
I didn’t have very much to report on, on Tuesday. Probably worth noting the following however,
- Planning application 2022/0127/PPP, erection of a detached dwelling on land east of
Auchengower, Back Road, Strone.
- Planning application 2022/0166/DET, change of use from coach house to single dwelling (holiday
use). Dunmore House. Midge Lane, Strone.
- Planning application, 2022/0179/PPP, sub division of plot and erection of a 2 storey dwelling.
Glenconner, Blairmore.
- Planning application, 2022/0163/HAE, external staircase, replacement windows and new
balustrade. Craigend House, Kilmun.
- The fairly sizeable application submitted by the Royal Botanical Gardens, Edinburgh at Benmore
Gardens (2022/0074/DET), is currently going through its assessment process. No decision as yet.
- The National Park are in the process of reviewing the water usage bye laws on Loch Lomond – a
consultation paper/leaflet is available, which I can send to you if anyone is interested in the issues
being considered. Consultations will continue through the summer. The Park require to present
their proposals to Government early 2023
KCC would like to thank Bob for his continued excellent contributions to the meetings and
wish him well in whatever he decides to do next.
 Forest and Land Scotland
Submission from Fraser MacDonald – very little change to previous updates. 
Current Felling:
There are a number of SPHN sites being worked or in process of starting within Kilmun Community
• Beinn Ruadh (above Coylet Inn) – There is a small section of Larch still to be felled adjacent to
SSE Overhead Power line still to be completed when a shutdown can be organised. No confirmed
date as yet however.
• Beinn Ruadh( above Coylet Inn) – Harvesting site will resume as of Tuesday 14th June. SSE
have permitted OHPL shutdown for two days to complete the operations. This will also mean traffic
management and lane closure s of the A815 for short periods of the day.
• Corrach (Scottish Water Treatment Plant) Harvesting site – site is currently inactive due to
environmental constraints (nesting bird) and will hopefully resume towards end of July 2022.
• West Loch Eck (opposite Coylet Inn) – site is currently active including timber haulage.

• Pucks Glen –. Pucks Pylons is now currently active.
• Kilmun Hill – Harvesting operations and timber Haulage ongoing.
• There will be ongoing civil engineering maintenance works associated with harvesting sites as
listed above. Civil engineering will be completing road repairs from Benmore Garden to Scottish
Water treatment plant when essential materials are delivered. Contractor has been let down by
suppliers on several occasions.
• Benmore Botanic Garden (Burmah Road) – Chainsaw fell to waste operations are planned for
later in the autumn due to environmental constraints however work has started close to Scottish
Water Treatment plant and are currently ongoing.
• Fell to waste of young Larch within KCC area – Fell to waste operations have been carried out in
Inverchapel/Pucks Glen area with further ares close to Gairletter Sand quarry to be carried out at a
later date.
There are new harvesting sites planned to be sold later this year as per map provided that may
impact on KCC area, I will update you well in advance of any of these sites starting.
Public Access: 
The Big Tree Walk has a diversion in place due to steps needing replaced and a small subsidence
on path.
Kilmun Arboretum will have maintenance work being carried out, weeding, fencing etc.
Ongoing Engagement:
We have not received any new SPHN as yet this year as yet, helicopter surveys will be carried out
this week to assess spread of pathogen. However from ground based surveys it is very evident
that the spread again this year has been vast with majority of Larch in KCC area appearing to be
infected. New suspect sites have been identified in Lochgoilhead, Glendaruel, Glenbranter and
Arrochar. I will update on confirmed cases when I can.
Ravens Rock harvesting site in Ardentinny is currently timber haulage only, timber is being
transported via boat at Sandbank, it is hoped that all haulage will be completed by end of July 2022
Barnacabber Harvesting site is timber haulage only by boat from Sandbank via Ardentinny and
A880 and road haulage via Larach forest haul route onto A815 and is hoped to be completed by
end of July 2022
Westfield – Some minor felling to be carried out before end of July.
 Argyll Rally 2022
Submission by Fraser Smith - The Argyll Rally 2022 will follow a similar format to the 2021 event,
ie an open-road rally over a Friday evening and all-day Saturday (24 th  & 25 th  June respectively) on
rally stages across the local area – as follows :-
Friday 24 th
 Stage 1 & 2 : Dunoon Town Centre
 Stage 3 : Kinlochruel
 Stage 4 : Otter Ferry
Saturday 25 th
 Stage 5 & 9 : Glendaruel
 Stage 6 & 10 : Bealach Main
 Stage 7 & 11 : Loch Fyne
 Stage 8 & 12 : Whistlefield
Stages 9-12 are merely an afternoon re-run of stages 5-8.
Residents on each of these stages have been consulted and provided with an extensive
“Residents Pack” that outlines timings, process, contact details etc. In the case of the Whistlefield

stage I hand-delivered these packs and spoke to as many residents that were home on the
evening that I delivered. A facebook page has also been set up to circulate the same briefing pack
to a wider audience.
This is in addition to the main Rally facebook page
Finally, I am sure I express for all KCC members a big thank you to Bob Darracott for his excellent
representation for the area at LL&TNP and his continuous reporting to our meetings. KCC wishes
him well for the future.
We have a summer recess; our next meeting will be in August.

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