March minutes
Facebook - @shoresweepersandKCC Website -
14 th March 2023 @ 7.30PM.
Younger Hall Kilmun
Meeting Start -7.30pm
PRESENT; Diane Nicholson (Convenor), Lindsay McKenna (Vice Convenor), Janet Holm
(Secretary), Peter Hunter Douglas, and Kerris Bone,
Also Present: Malcolm Bird, Wilma Anderson, Kirsty Manual, Tracey and Joe Whitfield and Bruce
APOLOGIES - Councillor William Sinclair (Argyll and Bute Council), Councillor Gordon Blair (Argyll
and Bute Council), Fraser Macdonald (Forestry Land Scotland), -Graham Revill, Mandy Grout,
Lachie Macquarie, Russell Humphreys (Treasurer), Councillor Y McNeilly (Argyll and Bute Council),
Eddie McGunnigal (Cowal Police), Caroline Munro and Gordon Holm.
This session was recorded for the minutes.
The 14 th February 2023 minutes were:
Proposed: Peter Hunter Douglas
Seconded: Kerris Bone Carried
Carried forward £2974.53
Website fee 29.95
Blairmore Hall rental 16.00
Funds In
ABC Grant 478.80
General fund £ 1590.93
Gardening and Shore Sweepers £54.44
Festive Lunch £154.47
SSE grant £1090.92
Directory donations £7.00
Grant from ABC (For new road sign) £56.00
Overall total 3453.33
Email report submitted from Eddie McGunnigal (Cowal Police),
Between 09/02/23 and 14/03/23 there have been 7 incidents actioned to police in the Kilmun
Council area, these include.
1 - assist member of the public.
1 - a vehicle stop.
1 - a theft.
2 - abandoned/silent 999 calls.
1 - debris on the roadway.
1 - animals.
No. of Crime Reports generated (Since last meeting) 1 theft.
JH said that there had been another incident in the villages of Strone and Kilmun which had been
reported to the Police Scotland. On the weekend of 4 th / 5 th March several plastic bags containing
offensive Neo – Nazi material had been left in different locations outside properties along the Shore
Road. This was reported to the police who had taken the matter very seriously. It had also happened
in Strachur and in Dunoon. A man from Dunoon has been arrested and charged.
Energy Advice and Crisis Funding - Argyll & Bute Citizens Advice Bureau has received
funding to allow us to deliver Energy Efficiency Advice sessions either in group settings or in
1-2-1 sessions. If you would like to arrange to book a session, please email We also have access to discretionary pots of money that could
potentially be accessed for households in fuel poverty.
Copy of letter from resident David Haft which was copied through Russell Humphreys and
had been sent to all ABC Councillors.
Email from Bute Community Council asking for the community councils requesting that
community council have a say on ABC’s budget. Bute Community Council contacted all the
community councils within the Argyll & Bute Council area due to concerns they have over the
lack of consultation within the budget process and decided to see if there was any interest in
submitting a joint letter to A&B Council to raise the matter. The main concerns are a need for
more community engagement at an early stage in the entire procedure and that there was a
lack of risk sensitive evidence-based costings that would inform Council budget decisions.
KCC decided to seek further information of the proposals.
2023/0063/LBC - Installation of 4 no. air source heat pumps (external); 9 no. internal units and associated
works - St Columba’s Church, Shore Road, Strone.
2023/0038/HAE - Construction of 1.2m chimney and installation of slate roof covering - Dunbheag Cottage
Strone Dunoon
2023/0024/DET Siting of 'glamping pod' Land to The Northeast Of Coylet Inn, Loch Eck, Dunoon.
The Shore Sweepers / Graham’s Point
Not much to report as we are still needing to have feedback from ACHA re Graham’s Point. DN has
been in touch and is waiting for a possible date for a final conformation as we need further
assistance to be able to undertake any works.
Highgate Hall
The Highgate Hall have submitted their minutes from January 2023. These will be attached to these
minutes and will be put onto Kilmun Community Council website.
An information meeting to be held on Wednesday 15 th March @ Younger Hall Kilmun
AGM planned for weeks 17 th to 24 th April.
No update.
Strone Primary School
Strone Primary Parent Council
Argyll & Bute Council
Email report from Councillor Blair
My apologies for non-attendance this evening due to attendance at another meeting.
Speeding continues to be an issue in each of our communities and I am delighted that our
Community Liaison Officer PS Eddie McGunnigal is on the case regarding the opportunity for
community volunteers to get trained in using speeding equipment which no doubt he will mention
I have my doubts and would be insisting on the roads authority to do its job in making our roads
safer by installing effective flashing speeding signs and I do hope the new Administration Councillor
will take this forward, after all we have been on about this for many, many years. Transport budget
is set so now is the time to get the money spent where the communities require it.
Further feedback awaited re Scottish Water- Clachaig, not sure if Diane has had any further update.
I have raised this with Jenny Minto MSP.
Defibrillator response from Council HSCP
Dear Councillor Blair – In response to your recent enquiry about defibrillator training we can report
as follows:
There are a number of Public Access Defibrillators (PADs) in the community (9 Dunoon, 2 Kilmun
area, 2 Innellan area, 2 Benmore). These have been purchased by private organisations and the
voluntary sector. There is an array of models in the community, but technically they all follow the
same instructions for use.
If the equipment request is for ‘Resuscianni’, in order to do some level of first aid training,
incorporating the PADs, the ‘Resucianni’s’ are held with our trainers, they provide training across
A&B, thus training equipment is not always readily available in Cowal.
The Red Cross, British Heart Foundation and other voluntary organisations have provided training in
the past. The Scottish Ambulance Service may also be of help.
JH will check with Eddie what the response has been to the speed watch programme.
MB told the meeting that he was successful in getting a pothole at Blairmore mended by using the
ABC website to report it. However, LMc said that potholes are still prevalent up on the Westfield
Road and that when work has been done the drains can be covered.
Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Representative
No representative present and no report
BM said that he has been told that the planning application for the proposed events venue at Uig is
expected in the next few weeks.
Forestry and Land Scotland – Fraser MacDonald
An email report was received from Fraser.
Very little change from last time.
Civics have spoken to operators about speeding and use of phones whilst driving.
I am waiting on remedial plan for flooding from quarry and will provide this for next meeting.
KCC agreed that the speeding of the operators transporting the hard core had improved.
Younger Hall
Blairmore Hall
Historic Kilmun
Clachaig Water
See Councillor Blair’s report. DN explained to the residents who were attending KCC’s meeting for
the first time the background of the difficulties Clachaig with mains water. She said that the residents
are at present in consultation with the owner of the land as trees are to be felled and they have been
told they have a different proposal to try and alleviate possible problems to the water supply when
the trees are felled. They are to do their consultation through KCC.
SSE power lines Dunoon 132kV Overhead Line rebuild Project.
SSE have now submitted their planning proposals to the Scottish government and until the 18 th of
April objections can be submitted. KM said that there was a large report in the Dunoon Observer last
week and she said that the residents are fighting to try and get the line put underground and this
iconic spot which can be describes the Seaway to the Highlands. She said that this could have a
lifetime effect on the water supply to 19 people on one supply and 1 on another. KM has requested
that KCC put in an objection to support these residents. A question was asked about how to put in
an objection and Kirsty said that it is on page 7 of the planning application.
13. Any other competent business
Peter has been in touch with a lady that provides defib training and she has given him a couple of
dates but before it can be advertised, we need to decide which dates we would like. He needs to
get back to her and suggest dates in June or July as dates in May have gone. Everything will be
brought for the training. It was decided that we would use Kilmun Hall as it is bigger as up to 20
people can undertake the training at a time and the cost of the hire of the hall can be met by KCC if
BM said that there was defib training on Sunday 2 nd April at Burgh Hall 1 – 3pm. JH will advertise.
Feedback from Argyll Rally
Fraser Smith, our representative on the Argyll Rally committee, submitted the following report.
The initial resident’s letters were hand-delivered last week (I delivered to the houses on the
Whistlefield stage …. All feedback very positive / supportive)
The rally team are continuing to complete all formalities.
Regular ‘Community Council Consultation’ zoom calls are scheduled – these tend to be short
calls to address any questions that arise (nothing ‘major’ has been raised)
I will continue to attend these ‘on behalf of’ KCC if you are OK with this approach (I can step
back if you have anyone in the KCC that wants to take on this role?)
I’ll forward any meeting notes I receive (can’t recall seeing any from the last call however the call
was short and no significant items to note)
Right of way
DN Explained the background to the difficulties that have been long standing at the right of way at
Westfield. This appears to be a difficulty of ownership. A resident proposed that KCC fill in the hole,
but KCC would have to see if that was possible financially and legally. JH will use social media and
email contacts to try and explore within the community if anyone has knowledge of the ownership of
this particular part of land.
Bus timetables
Several residents have asked why the West Coast Motors timetable for the routs 489, Ardentinny to
Toward hasn’t returned to pre covid schedules. For Example, later buses at the weekend and in
particular the early morning bus into Dunoon. There was discussion on how this is impacting those
who do not drive but need the bus service to access employment in Dunoon or across the water in
Gourock, Greenock and Glasgow etc. It was agreed that JH will write to West Coast Motors and see
if we can get the pre covid bus timetable for the Shore Villages re-instated. We will also contact
Ardentinny Community Council as this will be of interest to them too.
Health and Social Care update
Kerris gave a short update as she said that the person responsible has been on sick leave and she
will need to give an update when this is available.
Meeting closed at 8.54pm
Next Meeting
Next meeting – Tuesday 14 th March 2023 @ Younger Hall, Kilmun @ 7.30pm
Meetings held Second Tuesday each month alternating between Younger & Blairmore Halls.
Kilmun Hall – January, March, May, July (Recess) September, November
Blairmore Hall – February, April, June, August, October, December
Highgate Hall minutes February 2023
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