KCC Minutes Feb 17
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14th February 2017 held at Blairmore Hall, Kilmun 7.30PM.
Robert Aldam (Convenor), Jim Kirby (Vice Convenor), Graham Revill, Lachlan Macquarie, Brian Tester, and Kirsty Husband.
Also Present, Councillor Bruce Marshall (Argyll and Bute Council), David McKenzie (NP) APOLOGIES: Janet Holm (Secretary), Russell Humphreys (Treasurer), Lynn O’Keefe
Proposed: Jim Kirby
Seconded: Brian Tester Carried
Carried Forward: £1300.10
Balance at 14th February 2017 - £1,384.93
£193 due to be paid for Hall Hire
PC Donald MacKay: Unable to attend. Submitted following report after meeting:
19 incidents resulting in 3 crime reports;
1 x Vandalism to rear windscreen of vehicle at Blairmore Lodge.
1 x Male reported for driving with no insurance on the A880 through Kilmun.
1 x Attempt break in to a lock up at Blairmore House - padlock/chain cut - no items stolen.
Speed checks continue at Midge Lane. 1 ticket issued for speeding.
7. Community Matters
Keep Scotland Beautiful – BVT has arranged a ‘Community Learning Alliance’ with the small village community of East Haven, Angus. BVT has issued an invitation to KCC to attend a ‘Soup & Sandwich Seminar’ featuring a key presentation from Wendy Murray, Chair of ‘East Haven Together’. Held on Thursday 16th March 2017 in Blairmore Hall, 12noon to 2.30pm Confirm attendance by 6th March. Details of contact on email to all councilors Agreed to include in KCC web site.
Shore Community Hub – The weekly hub is becoming increasingly popular and now including more from Kilmun, Strone and Ardentinny. Feedback comments are very encouraging and positive. BVT currently covering cost and local Co-Op donating £20/month towards refreshments. Blarimore Hall open every Thursday 10-12 and all are welcome. Agreed to include in KCC web site.
8. Correspondence
Letter from CEO A&BC in response to enquiry from KCC re Situation of Dunoon In Argyll with details of how A&BC are approaching this.
Email enquiry from Kilmun Hall – H Giles about getting help from KCC to know who have just moved into the area.
Tree Charter Survey from NALC- Individual Community Councillors are being asked to contribute
Ministerial Statement on Scotland’s Ferries – Copy of statement sent to council leader was received. It relates to the Tender for the Gourock-Dunoon Ferry Tender
Police Scotland Your View Counts Consultation – Police Scotland data in relation to the local policing priorities is publicly available via the Argyll and Bute council website – at the Performance, Review and Scrutiny Committee section
NP Community Partnership News Bulletin received – Community Empowerment. Details on Community partnership, grants available, fund etc. Bulletin is avalable on NP website
Argyll & Bute Citizens Advice Bureau Launch of Newsletter received – no action
Scottish Executive Consultation on ‘Future’ of Scottish Planning System’. How to get involved in consultation can be found at consult.scotland.gov.uk website. Closing Date 4th April. Brian to take this forward.
SSE Priority Services – This is a good service and allows people to register to be kept informed of changes/breaks in service. People interested should go to website https://www.ssepd.co.uk/PriorityServices/ Details to go onto KCC website
LAAS Newsletter – The Advocate which is new from the Lomond & Argyll Advocacy Service. Details to go onto KCC website
Managing Conflict Training- Training is open to all members of community council Date change from 22 to 21st February 2017
Planning in Principle – Forestside Shore Road Kilmun. Errection of Dwelling
Erection of 15m High Telecoms Lattice Tower and associated ground based equipment enclosure. Land North of Loch Eck Treatment Works Loch Eck Road.
Erection of Telecommunication mast with equipment & access track. Land north of Ballyvoulin Farm, Glen Fruin.
Change of use to site 3 Chalet style caravans. West of Whistlefield Inn.
Extensions and alterations to dwelling house. Garrachra, Glen Massan.
Councillor Bruce Marshall reported:
The big issue I am currently fighting is to have the Council agree to continue to cut the grass at Graham’s Point Community Park.
I set up the Steering Committee back in 2003 to form Benmore & Kilmun Community Development Trust, with the express purpose of getting funding to turn a field with goal posts into a children’s play park. The Trust raised £135k of funding from a variety pf sources including £16k from Bute & Cowal Area Committee, this money from Capital Receipts. I took a paper to the Area Committee in 2004 asking for agreement that the Council would continue to care for the area and that was agreed and a Memorandum of Agreement was drawn up to that effect in 2005. In 2006, all Council housing stock was transferred to ACHA and inadvertently GPCP was transferred as well. I raised the issue with officers in 2008 but nothing came of discussions apparently and last year I was informed that the Council would no longer maintain the previously agreed commitment. I raised the matter at the Area Business day in Jan. when Cllr. Walsh said no way was the Council going to continue to care for GP. I then submitted a motion to the Area meeting last Tues. two weeks prior to the meeting. The motion was accepted by the Chair and Area Governance Officer and I asked the chair the day before the meeting if it was still on the agenda and was reassured it was. That day Director Douglas Hendry had two attempts to make me declare an interest because I was also on the ACHA Board. At the meeting on Tues. the Governance Officer out of the blue said to the chair that he should consider refusing the motion as it was not competent and the chair agreed to refuse the motion.
A planning application is expected in the Autumn for a wind farm next to Cruach Mhor site in Stronafian forest. Some of this land falls within KCC boundary I believe. Infinergy are proposing to offer £150k Community Benefit if this application goes ahead and the Benmore and Kilmun area would be beneficiaries.
D McKenzie (National Park)
National Park
Publication of Local Development Plan – States that there should be 25% affordable housing allocated to any housing building development. However there is provision within the plan to allow for local housing needs – where no requirement for affordable housing in the area of development a cash donation to council fund can be made. There is no plan for any building developments on the shore in the near future.
Benmore & Kilmun Community Development Trust
No Report
Blairmore Village Trust
Shore Community Hub
Last October BVT piloted a ‘Community Hub’ held weekly on a Thursday from 10.00am to 12noon. The hub has been really well attended and appears to be greatly appreciated by local residents. Although most people attending live in Blairmore, it seems that the opportunity is welcomed by people from along the whole of the shore. We therefore see this developing as a ‘Shire Community Hub’ and, as those attending are seizing ‘ownership’ of it, it is hoped that it will naturally become a self managed facility. Everyone is welcome. An application for funding support has been submitted to the A&BC supporting Communities Fund. Add to KCC web site.
Blairmore Landscape Project
At the end of January, we received the 75% of the £8,000 ‘Tesco Bags of Help’ grant that we have been given to progress the landscape project for the land beside the hall. Work has already begun on this and we will be pleased to secure as much volunteer help for the various pieces of work to be completed over the next few months. All offers gratefully received!
Beautiful Scotland Campaign
Blarimore Village Trust will celebrate its 10th anniversary this year. As part of our celebrations we are registering ‘Blarimore in the ‘Beautiful Scotland Campaign 2017’ To date, Kirn is the only community within Cowal to have embraced this opportunity. We have already had two meetings with EnviroKirn who have been very helpful in sharing their experience with us and we will work in support of our respective communities to achieve the best that we can. We are also seeking help and support from all of the statutory services, local community groups, local businesses and residents. We hope to distribute regular updates to help keep everyone involved.
Beach Clean Up – Community Payback Team
Through the work that we have been doing with A&B Council, the co-ordinator for the Community Payback Team agreed some aspects of work that they could help with over the next few months. This included cleaning up a particular hot-spot for ‘tidal waste’ (just opposite Thornbank). Within just a few days of our discussion, the CPT have cleared away 12 bags of rubbish from this site. We are very grateful to all of the people who have helped particularly in bitterly cold weather.
Scottish Land Fund
BVT submitted a second application to the SLF to enable the purchase of the strip of land next and behind Blairmore Hall. A decision has now been made on the funding and the outcome of this is currently embargoed until Friday 17th February. We hope to be able to provide an update soon.
Community Learning Alliance
As part of our work with ‘Keep Scotland Beautiful’, we have been advised to liaise with the ‘East Haven Together’ community, based in Angus. Consequently, we have arranged to host a visit from their Chair, Wendy Murray, who will make a presentation of all the work they have undertaken. East Haven were featured on Beechgrove Garden and also achieved a ‘gold award’ in the Beautiful Scotland campaign. They are a small coastal community and have a very inspiring story to share. They will visit on Thursday 16th March and people are invited to attend a ‘Soup & Sandwich’ presentation at 12noon to 2.30pm in Blairmore Hall – please advise attendance for catering
11. Matters arising out of Community Action Plan 2013 – 2017
KCC needs help from other Authorities to progress any actions outstanding
Argyll Community Planning Group (ACPG)
No Update. Meeting took place this morning.
Caucus of Community Councils
Meeting Thursdayday 16th.
To discuss Dunoon being ‘Most at Risk’ town in Scotland; Healthcare Redesign. Grahams Point grass cutting.
Cowal and Trossachs Forest District Wind Farm – Bachanburn
Nothing to Report
A880 Walkway & Safety Barrier.
No Further action has been taken. BM commented that no funds available for work to be carried out on Roads before the end of A&BC year end. However pavement to be improved early in new budget year.
To be Archived and revived if required
Cemetery Toilets
BM had asked Alan MacDonald for update. Delays to work is due to work on Riverside Pool delays. Likely to be end of March before Architectural Services are available.
Cowal Multi Utility Project Biomass Plant Dalinglongart
Nothing to report. To be Archived.
Clachaig Mains Water
Mainly working on Raising Awareness and profile for this requirement. Scottish Water did not attend recent meeting
GR to write to Rosanna Cunningham
Struan Lodge
Meeting being held in Kilmun Hall 23 February to discuss future of Dunoon Hospital & Struan Lodge. Agreed RA to email residents. Discussions to be held at Caucus.
Excessive Delivery Charges in Cowal.
Nothing to Report
Grass Cutting at Grahams Point Discussed in Councillor report. Agreed proposed email to Mr Sneddon.
Kilmory Seminar Considered reply from Mr Sneddon & comments by Bruce. Many at meeting considered little was being done that would lift Dunoon & Cowal out of “at risk” situation.
Archived issues
14. Any other competent business
RA reminded meeting that he would be resigning as convenor at the AGM in May this year and consideration should be given to co-opting additional committee members.
Place: Younger Hall, Kilmun
Date: Tuesday March 14th at 7.30pm.
Meetings held Second Tuesday each month alternating between Younger & Blairmore Village Halls