November 2018
Facebook - @shoresweepersandKCC Website -
13th November 2018 held at Younger Hall, Kilmun 7.30PM.
PRESENT: Brian Tester (Convenor), Diane Nicholson (Vice Convenor) Russell Humphreys (Treasurer), Janet Holm (Secretary) and Fraser Smith.
Also Present Bob Daracott (National Park), Councillor A Reid, PC Donald MacKay, Victor Sandall (BKCDT)
APOLOGIES: Graham Revill, Councillor Y McNeilly and Councillor G. Blair
Proposed: Russell Humphreys
Seconded: Brian Tester Carried
BT extended condolences on behalf of KCC to the family of Clive McClure who died earlier in the week. Clive had been a member of Kilmun Community Council for many years and set up and maintained KCC’s website. Condolences were also sent from KCC to the family of Rose Balfour who was a very active and vibrant member of the shore community setting up and running many of the clubs that are still active today.
Brought Forward 3682.64
Expenditure -
Gardening £52.23
Directory Costs 963
Interest 0.76
Donation for directory
Donation to gardening fund
General fund 1306
Gardening 123.77
Festive Lunch 200.00
SSE grant 2045.87
Directory donations 970
Overall total 3682.64
Donald reported that since the meeting of the 9th October there have been 30 incidents within the area.
From these incidents one crime being an assault is currently being investigated.
Two road traffic offences were detected, one being speeding and the other being no MOT.
With the dark nights drawing in and temperatures falling emphasis is on crime prevention in terms of thefts of fuel. Keep a check on oil tanks regularly and secure caps accordingly.
On the local management front, both Inspector MacLean and Chief Inspector Paul Robertson will retire prior to the end of the year. Inspector Fiona Davidson will commence towards the end of November. The new Chief Inspector has not yet been announced. I will provide updated contact details for management at the December meeting.
D. Nicholson asked about speeding cars through Clachaig. There were various suggestions of how residents could try and deter motorists speeding. It was suggested[JH1] that a letter was sent to the local paper and, in addition, Donald will bring up the issue to Rural Watch. Regarding the suggested letter, BT will contact Diane and ask her to draft a suitable missive. BT will then send it to the local paper for consideration of printing
7 Correspondence
Equality and Diversity training for community councils and community groups
Argyll and Bute Council Budget Consultation - Reminder
Email from resident re - the state of Strone Brae.
Call for comments: National Park Authority Outdoor Recreation Plan - looking to develop a strategy to replace our Outdoor Recreation Plan 2012-2017
National Park -Your Park: End of season update – mainly about camping
Email from Sue Rule - Could you perhaps update me with any plans or initiatives Kilmun Community Council (and/or Ardentinny CC) have in hand to is doing to adapt to climate change? Do we know what the impact is likely to be on this locality?
Local Events
Annual Strone Primary soup and sandwich event on Saturday 17th November from 12-3pm. The tickets will be £3.50 for adults and £1.50 for children for soup and sandwich - there will be home baking and Christmas crafts for sale separately.
The Shore Festive Lunch – Friday 14th December @ 12 for 12.30. Soup and sandwiches, festive treats Raffle and Tombola Entertainment from Strone Primary. All welcome – no charge but donations welcome.
8 Planning Applications
The following planning applications have been submitted to LLTNP
2018/0199/DET - Erection of 30m telecoms mast and ancillary equipment
Location Loch Eck - Scottish Water Compound Near Dunoon Argyll & Bute Approved
2018/0333/DET - Construction of a hydro scheme (93kW) - Location - Cuil Burn Ardentinny – neighbour notification
2018/0334/DET - Construction of a hydro scheme (73kW) - Location - Schoolhouse Burn Ardentinny
Update on planning application re Kilmun Pier
At present the updated plans requested by the LL&TNP Planning Department from the agent have not been received. A public meeting will be organised when the plans have been received and noted. The consultation period has been extended indefinitely; KCC lodged an objection on behalf of some residents. The Park in reference to this planning application has received 10 letters.
9. Community Matters
Liaison/communication with other local organisations / groups
This work is ongoing in all areas when possible. The main aims have been realised. We have an online community calendar and a directory of groups and organisations in our area has been published and delivered to all households. This item to be taken off the agenda at present.
Festive Lunch
The Festive Lunch is being organised by a collaboration of KCC, BVT, The Hub, Younger Hall, Blairmore Hall, Ardentinny Hall, Ardentinny Conservation and Heritage and Ardentinny Community Trust.
Defibrillator at Younger Hall Kilmun
A new defibrillator has been purchased and a decision has still to be made on where to locate it.
Gardening / environmental improvements from A&BC Funding
The Shore Sweepers attended the ‘Its Your Neighbourhood Awards’ hosted by Beautiful Scotland @ Stirling on the 31st October and received their award. Also attending were BVT to collect the award for the Bus Route community involvement.
Grass Cutting Graham’s Point
To be taken off the agenda.
Alan Reid ABC gave the following report
Request for “blind summit” sign at Blairmore.
At the last meeting the point was made that Roads had objected to parking being provided near the blind summit on safety grounds because of the blind summit. I pointed this out to Roads and asked them to re-consider the request for the sign. Their response was,
“As we have not agreed any parking provisions there is therefore no risk and the sign is not required based on the previous information provided.”
Land ownership in Blairmore.
The Council is responsible for the seawall. They also own a small rectangle of land opposite Marsali.
Land ownership in Kilmun.
The Council owns the bus stop opposite Copper Beech, but no other land in the immediate area.
Request for Bus shelter opposite Younger Hall.
Staff will investigate this possibility and report back to advise if the option is viable.
Bob Daracott (National Park),
Bob reported that the work on the waterfall path at Glenbranter had started last Monday.
The consultation on the core path plan had not started yet, Should be out quite soon.
There are 5 new members on the board with a wide range of experience. Bob plans to go onto the planning board.
Benmore & Kilmun Community Development Trust (BKCDT)
There has been no meeting since last KCC meeting. No report.
Blairmore Village Trust (BVT)
No report.
Communities and Service Manger (Argyll Forest Park)
Emailed report - As far as I know from my colleagues- no major updates for your council area. We have had confirmed outbreaks of phytopthera at Ardentinny which will mean that our lairds grave trail will need to be diverted temporarily.
DN said that a felling licence had been issued for the trees alongside the council tip road on the road to Clachaig.
BT to email about lack of communication on work that is going on that can affect our residents.
Younger Hall
RH reported that the stained glass windows were being reinstated in the hall at a cost of £4700. Funding has been helped with money from the National Park.
The dry rot is still present but dry. Efforts are being made to expose the timbers to the air and give good ventilation. It would cost £37.000 to rectify. The hall is consulting with an architeco architect. Normal activities continue to be held at the hall.
Blairmore Hall
As the Blairmore hall committee have only recently been invited to give a report to KCC there is no report. A member of the hall committee present at the meeting said that there was concern from hall users about the fabric of the hall.
11. Community Action Plan 2018 - 2023
Although the initial survey has been done this work is paused at present.
Ardtaraig Wind Farm
Nothing to report.
Argyll Community Planning Group (ACPG)
No minutes received as yet.
Caucus of Community Councils
BT and JH attended the last meeting of the Caucus that was organised to be 2 weeks before that ACPG and after the agenda had been published. Issues raised from the caucus meeting are taken by a representative from the caucus to be raised at the meeting.
Bird Hide at Kilmun
R H is writing the constitution for SCIO.
A880 Walkway & Safety Barrier, Pavement Invereck to Cot House
On ABC capital programme for autumn.
Cemetery Toilet
No progress. To be kept on the agenda.
Highgate Hall
No further information.
BT Broadband
No progress. DN to further pursue this matter in the next few weeks.
13. Any other competent business
BT said that we are 3 members down on the committee and we would like to attract people who are interested in joining KCC.
Bruce Marshall expressed concern that there was no local representation on the ACHA area committee. BT said that he has already sent a letter volunteering but had not, as yet had a reply. Bruce also said that ACHA had funds that could be paid through a trust and that often they weren’t claimed. JH to take this to BKCDT meeting.
A meeting still to be organised with ACHA of representatives of KCC and BKCDT. If there continues to be no response from BKCDT to join the meeting KCC will organise to attend a meeting on its own.
KCC extended thanks to Helen Giles and others who help for the work that was done on the poppy display at Kilmun all and in Dunoon.
Place: Blairmore Hall, Blairmore.
Date: Tuesday 11th December at 7.30pm.
Meetings held Second Tuesday each month alternating between Younger & Blairmore Halls.
Kilmun Hall – January, March, May, July, September, November
Blairmore Hall – February, April, June, August, October, December
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