
June minutes 2018



Facebook - @shoresweepersandKCC   Website - www.kilmuncc.co.uk



13th June 2018 held at Younger Hall, Kilmun 7.30PM.


Brian Tester (Convenor), Diane Nicholson (Vice Convenor) Russell Humphreys (Treasurer), Janet Holm (Secretary), Graham Revill, Fraser Smith, Lachlan Macquarie and Andy Mullen.

Also Present, Victor Sandall (BKCDT), Sue Norris (Communities & Visitor Services Manager, Argyll Forest Park) and PC Donald MacKay

APOLOGIES, Councillor A Reid, Councillor Y McNeilly, Agnes Harvey (BVT) and Councillor G. Blair.



Proposed:        Brian Tester

Seconded:       Andy Mullen.                           Carried




General Fund   1243.31

Gardening         365.27

SSEN4              630.97

Xmas party       200

 Balance          6439.55


.           POLICE REPORT

PC Donald MacKay reported that since our March meeting there had been 40 incidents and 3 crime reports.

1 for serious assault at the Strone Inn

1 for theft of firewood from Gairletter.

1 for foul and abusive language in Kilmun

A ticket had been given for speeding and another for lack of MOT

There had been an excellent response to the livestock worrying and the dog fouling campaigns. There were now 11,000 affiliates on the rural watch website.

There was considerable discussion about the problems of wild camping in the Cowal area and in particular in Ardentinny and Loch Eck. Sue Morris also informed the committee about the work that the forestry does in conjunction with Police Scotland. Joint patrols have been set up with FCS, Police Scotland and the National Park.

There is a consensus that the Cowal area could do with more funding to tackle this problem as it has increased since the change in policy at Loch Lomond.

Sue Morris gave a brief description of what is allowed and not permitted from the Outdoor Act and when the Police should be contacted.  Outdoor Access code can be found at


A case needs to be made for increased funding for this area for Ironworks to be started earlier in the season and for more patrols.

Incidents to be reported to Brian Tester who will pass onto The National Park and FCS.

Donald also reported that a Rural Watch Awareness Day is planned by Police Scotland in Glenbranter in the autumn. Community Councils and landowners will be invited.

He also said that Inspector MacLean does still intend to visit Kilmun Community Council

7          Correspondence

From A&BC - Community Council Research - Online Survey – on to the role of community councillors and their influence. The survey closes on 20th June

National Park Grant Scheme open for applications. National Park Grant Scheme. The Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park Authority Grant Scheme opens for applications this week, making £80,000 available to support projects which help enhance the National Park as a place to live, work and visit and improve the area’s natural, cultural and built heritage. Passed this information onto Strone Primary School.

Battle's Over - A Nation's Tribute 11th November 2018

Local Events

BVT AGM – Saturday 16th June 2pm Blairmore Hall

Waverley evening cruise for Blairmore Thursday 5th July 18.30 to 21.30.  BVT has secured discounted tickets (£17) and currently has taken 126 bookings.  Anyone wishing to go on the reduced ticket is asked to contact pat Lynn immediately as plans to finalise the bookings are underway. 01369 840706 patlynn2007@yahoo.co.uk

Scottish Open Gardens Scheme – Shore Gardens, Saturday /Sunday 16th 17th June

8          Planning Applications

The following planning applications have been submitted to LLTNP

2018/0081/LBC - Removal of render and whinstone repointed using traditional lime mortar. Location, Dunselma Lodge Shore Road Strone, Public Interest, Listed Building – this application has been withdrawn.

2017/0350/DET - Alterations to a section of the intake, access track and pipeline route associated with the previous permission 2015/0366/DET for a run of river hydro power development (retrospective), Land At Drynain Burn Ardentinny Dunoon  Approved

2018/0012/DET Installation of decking area to front of dwelling. Location 2 Swedish House Loch Eck Dunoon Approved

9.         Community Matters

Liaison/communication with other local organisations / groups

The collaborative calendar is well up and running but does need to be kept up to date. More work will be need on this when we go into the new session for clubs in August /September.

The collation of the information for the directory is completed and preparing for printing will be the next step. The accurate number of households in the Kilmun and Ardentinny Community Council catchment area has been obtained from A&BC through a Freedom of Information request. Quotes had been received for printing from a company in Greenock and Argyll Printing Dunoon. Argyll Printing will be able to give support in formatting etc. so they will be the preferred printer. JH is also working with Isobel Brown of Blairmore Hall committee. KCC agreed to give a £100 donation to costs. 3 other donations have already been received. A final template will be sent out to all groups for a final proof check. The preferred time to have this work completed for distribution will be the middle end of August when groups will be restarting after the summer break.

The request from Agnes Harvey (BVT) to look at organising a date for the Festive Lunch in December is to be put on the agenda for August.

Defibrillator at Younger Hall Kilmun

There was discussion about where another defibrillator could go if we used the money from the SEN grant. The postbox in Clachaig is to be investigated as a possible site.

Gardening / environmental improvements from A&BC Funding

Last month in May we did between us over 100 hours of volunteer time and we have, to date 20 + volunteers. Growing all the time!

We work at:

Invereck House

The Brae Garden - if you pass along you will see that area has been completely regenerated

The grass across from the Strone Inn - an impromptu barbecue was held there a week ago in the great weather,

Cutting the vegetation along the Shore Road to improve the sight line for cars

The tubs at the doctor's surgery - we were specially asked to help with that work

All the tubs along the shore

The garden area outside the Younger Hall and Graham's Point.

Also work being done clearing brush on the shore, beach cleaning and cutting the grass at the churches


The Shore Sweepers have entered the It's Your Neighbourhood award this year which will include all the areas described above. The visit for this award will be on Tuesday 19th June

Grass Cutting Graham’s Point


BT stated that we were disappointed that no representative from A&BC were able to attend the meeting













Community matters

G Holm brought information about the Kilmun bird hide to the attention of the

council.  This is below the road near the doctors’ surgery.  It is nominally owned by

Peter Staley and he would like the community to take it over in some form or

another.  It is a corrugated shed, which was originally a boathouse.  It is currently

in poor condition and potentially needs work.

It was agreed that BT, RH,  GH and local bird enthusiast , Alastair McGregor.  would

look at the hide and see what could be done to make it a community and potential

Tourist ass

This continues to be done by ACHA.


Argyll and Bute Council Representative Councillor Reid was not able to attend meeting so written report given as follows.

BT stated that we were disappointed that no representative from A&BC were able to attend the meeting.

Update on issues raised at the previous meeting.

White lines on A880 and rumble strip where there is no pavement

Response from Roads – “The rumble strip is now fully reinstated.”

I believe that all the white lines have been reinstated except those near the Scottish Water works in Kilmun. If any others have been missed, please let me know, as Roads are currently drawing up a tender for white line painting throughout Argyll & Bute.

Missing wall opposite the former police house

Raised with Roads. No response. Have sent reminder.

Sediment coming off the hill during forestry operations

Raised with Forest Enterprise. They said they had maintained a dialogue with Gordon and Janet and had met on site to discuss works.

The roadside drains have been cleaned out where possible and sediment traps created to slow the water down to allow the particles to settle.

All harvesting work on site is now completed.

Proposed Windfarm at Ardtaraig

Planning application was approved on 17 November 2017 for the erection of an 80 metres high metrological mast for a temporary period of three years.

The windfarm website hasn’t been updated recently. The latest news there is that it was intended to erect this mast in late April, see http://ardtaraigwindfarm.co.uk/

BM said that to date that no spraying of the roadside edges had been done. The grit on the pavement left over from the winter weather was not cleared and that in general it seemed that the Shore Villages and Clachaig were being neglected.
Feedback to Alan Reid about grass not being cut / spraying not done. BT

RH also said that the community bins were completely overflowing and this is exascerbated by household waste from holiday houses. Russell reminded the committee that Yvonne McNeilly had said that she would look into this matter.

D McKenzie (National Park)

David reported that 9 people had been put themselves forward for the position of National Park representative for Ward 1. The ballot papers are due to go out this week and will have the statements for each candidate. David encouraged everyone to vote. The turn out for ward 1 at the last NP election was one of the lowest in the park. David says that he intends to go to the count. He suggested that KCC might like to set up a husting for the candidates. KCC will look at the feasibility of that with the short time scale involved.

BT thanked David for the very professional was he has represented the Cowal area in the National Park.

Benmore & Kilmun Community Development Trust (BKCDT)

See section on community action plan.

There was discussion about the spraying of Japanese knotweed. A couple of volunteers who are trained in the treating have said they will be available to do it when the knotweed flowers.

Blairmore Village Trust (BVT)

Agnes Harvey who could not be present at the meeting gave a written report as follows:

BVT has a demanding agenda that is being progressed and includes:

Entry into Beautiful Scotland

For the second year running Blairmore has been submitted for assessment under the Beautiful Scotland Campaign.  The judges will visit on Friday 10th August.  Much work is ongoing to continue the improvements with Blairmore Gardens.

In addition,  22 hanging baskets are already planted and being nurtured to place along the shore and the High Road when sufficient maturity has been achieved and weather conditions favourable.

Seven large wooden planters,  placed at strategic locations, have been enhanced with new plants and continue to be nurtured.

Strone Primary School have visited Blairmore Gardens (and the Hub) on almost a weekly basis throughout the term.  This is proving to be of mutual benefit throughout within the community.

The High Road project

BVT’s ‘Participation Request’ to A&B Council is not progressing as well as hoped at this stage.  The difficulty appears to be getting sufficient commitment from the appointed Council Officer to engage in a timely manner and arrange meetings.  The Trust submitted an update in January and requested a meeting be arranged for late February.  No response was received.

A futher request was made in April for a meeting to be arranged and three potential dates were given for June.  Despite prompts,  those dates have expired and no further communication has been received in this regard.  The Trust has this week written to the Chief Executive to express our concern,  request that an alternative link officer be identified and convey the feeling that BVT  is being treated with contempt and disrespect in this regard.

On a more positive note,  we have obtained some funding from the national park,  commissioned a topographical survey of the route,  appointed engineers at our own cost,  and secured the services of an experienced projected manager.

Blairmore Gardens

BVT secured funding from the National Park to cover the costs of enageging an architect to help develop the plans for the provision of  3 to 5 holiday let facilities at Blairmore Gardens.  Local company,  Architeco has been appointed and plans will be developed,  offered up for community consultation before being finalised.

The architect has been asked by BVT to take account of any potential to enhance the facilities at Blairmore,  particularly in relation to the use of BVT land.  This follows our ongoing inability to secure a collaborative partnership approach with Blairmore Hall Trust in this regard.

The Shore Hub

BVT has been successful in securing funding from the A&B Councils fund for sustainable communities.  The funding of approx. £2,000 will ensure that the Hub continues to be successful over the coming year and will be able to support people in this way along the whole of the Shore.

Japanese Knotweed

JP is again emerging as a critical issue and BVT would wish to see a more joined up strategic plan for tackling this along the Shore.  B&KCDT have received funding to train individuals.  However a cohesive and mutually agreed workplan would serve the community better to ensure that our collective efforts are effective.

BVT AGM – Saturday 16th June 2pm Blairmore Hall

Waverley evening cruise for Blairmore Thursday 5th July 18.30 to 21.30.  BVT has secured discounted tickets (£17) and currently has taken 126 bookings.  Anyone wishing to go on the reduced ticket is asked to contact pat Lynn immediately as plans to finalise the bookings are underway. 01369 840706 patlynn2007@yahoo.co.uk


There are lots of other activities going on but hopefully this rapid snapshot will suffice for now

11.       Community Action Plan 2018 - 2023

It was reported at BKCDT meeting on 9th April 2018 that almost 80 completed household questionnaires, which are now with Anne Sobey for analysis. There is no funding from the National Park to complete the action plan this financial year. It was agreed that with the work needed for the heritage trail and the work being undertaken at Blairmore, the Trust would be better to postpone the completion of the action plan until later in the year.


Argyll Community Planning Group (ACPG)


Caucus of Community Councils


Forestry felling on Kilmun Hill

Report from Sue Norris  (Communities & Visitor Services Manager, Argyll Forest Park)

Sue said that she too had not been informed about the lorries were going along the A880 with hard core to the forestry road at Gairletter. She had also reported that the lorries had been speeding on the off road forestry tracks. She said that the work is scheduled to finish soon. She apologised that she hadn’t informed the KCC about the truck movements but said that the KCC should get in touch with her immediately if there are any concerns with forestry work in the area and not wait until a meeting. She is able to contact the member of forestry staff with responsibility for each area of work. Sue said that there is a parcel of forestry near Ardentinny due to be sold later in the year. She will inform KCC when that is happening. When the future plans for felling are available she will inform KCC.

G Holm said that he had had a very helpful meeting with forest representative about the wash off from the forestry operations on Kilmun Hill and that the matter had been resolved very well.

RH asked when the FCS had stopped the posters of stick and flick. Sue will enquire about this. Sue said that 40 dog poo bags had been left in Pucks Glen and that the forestry was undertaking the clearing of rubbish there and in other areas.

The eradication of ponticum rhododendron has been started on the lower slopes of Kilmun Hill.

Bird Hide at Kilmun

Russell said that the set up of the trust is ongoing and Peter Staley’s continues to be in discussion with his lawyer on the transfer of ownership.

A880 Walkway & Safety Barrier, Pavement Invereck to Cot House

This work is planned to proceed in this financial year.

Cemetery Toilets


Highgate Hall


Needs to be pursued with Graham Thomson. Andrew Paterson said that it is very clear in the deeds where any monies raised are to go.

BT Broadband

Diane said that there was at present a lot of movement around Clachaig with cabling to serve a BT mast.

13.       Archived issues

None raised.

14.       Any other competent business

G Revill reported that at the Cowal transport group meeting it was said that the VMS sign near the Cot House junction would be operational in the next few weeks. The sign will say exactly where any road closures are. Also, the rumble strip at the A880 across from the doctor’s surgery would be looked at again to check that it is in the right position.

The Argyll Flyer tender process is paused. As infrastructure also has to be included in the tender this could possibly lead to the issue being ‘paused ‘ for a length of time.

It was agreed because of the long break that KCC had had that the cc would not take a summer recess. Thus there will be a meeting in July.

Place: Blairmore Hall Hall, Kilmun

Date: Tuesday July 10th at 7.30pm.


Meetings held Second Tuesday each month alternating between Younger & Blairmore Halls.


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